Am I the only one who doesn't like............

I like the step part when it is part of IMAX Extreme but the C&W doesn't seem to keep my heart rate up enough to satisfy my cardio need and there aren't enough weight segments to satisfy my strength training needs. Oh well, can't please everyone all the time! I have a gazillion other Cathe workouts to choose from!
Oh Sarah - I'm glad you said that. I really do not like C&W. I did it once, and felt as if I needed another whole workout. I do use the ab portion of it when I do IMax 2 (or some of the other ones - for some reason that one really works my lower abs well), but I won't do the rest.
Boot Camp, bought it and never tried it yet...I think I got intimidated from the posts here! Never thought to try the pre-mixes first! Sarah, I'm with you on Cardio & Weights... sold it on Ebay.
I don't have the DVD (or video), so the only feedback I have is the FitTV version...I LOVE it! Then again, I'm not much of a steppin' type of gal...Would rather do kickboxing any day of the week...Plus, I think circuts keep me on my toes a bit...

MJ in MN

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