Am I the only one that cannot get through Imax 2 ?!?!


I get all the way to the blast on interval 9, do two full intervals, then I just feel like someone knocked the wind out of me!!!! Those darn "plie-whatevers" where you click your heels together just get the best of me every time. It's so frustrating. x(

I remember when I first did IMax2, I thought I would never get through it. It is tough, but IMax3 is even tougher. That is my challenge. Keep doing it, it will be a piece of cake by next year. BC used to be a killer, after 3 years, I can't believe I found it so challenging. Now I do premixes from BC as add-ons to other workouts. Enjoy the challengeand how much cardio capacity you will gain.
What Fit40 said. Just keep doing it until you can get through all 10 intervals/blasts. Plie jacks are exceedingly challenging AND exceedingly great power training for the legs. I almost couldn't finish that blast the first time I did it too, but the training effect being what it is, you WILL work up to it.

Also, one thing I've always found very effective: any blast move that would do me in at first as an interval (airborne jacks, "power scissors" aka plyo / power lunges, plie jacks) I squirt into other workouts, doing 8 here or 16 there when possible as substitutes for other less-intense moves (mambo chachas and the like). Not only does that upkick the intensity of that workout a bit, it also keeps my legs and cardio/vasc. system in training for intervals with that particular move.

Keep it up! You will get better at it; just do it at least once a week doing a bit more each time, and you'll nail it.

It is frustrating sometimes when Cathe and crew make moves look so easy, and you can barely get yourself of the ground!

Look at it this way: if you could do the whole workout easily the first time through, it wouldn't challenge you, or help you improve. Look at it as something to work up to.

I make it all the way through IMAX2, but my heels don't always click together, and my air jacks are not very high or very wide, but I keep on trying to do them, and do the best I can with them. Some days, I just substitute regular floor jacks for them.

As Tony Horton says: "Do your best, and forget the rest!"
Surprisingly, the plie jacks don't get to me (although I did ballet for many years so I guess I'm a little more used to them; not to say that they're not challenging). I have more of a problem with dreaded interval 9. Once I get through that, I know I've made it. I almost got through it last time I did it. I just have a little more to go. IMAX 3 is definitely tougher. Again, the plie jacks don't bother me in this one although my heart rate jumps through the roof. Intervals 1, 4 and 7 are the toughest for me in this one.

I've just started doing IMAX 2 (probably 3 times now). Have to march in place many times during the routine. I do notice that I'm getting more stamina to go longer thru the intervals. I also think it just started my weight loss. My clothes fit me better and I look more fit.

I love IMAX 2 and C&W.
I appreciate everyone's input. I'll get through it sooner or later, more than likely later, but that's okay! :)

Someone mentioned how Cathe and the crew make it look so easy, I think it was Kathryn. I laughed when I read that because my daughter (6) is always saying "Mom, they smile like they are having so much fun but you look like you're going to pass out!" Kids...:D
>I "Mom, they smile like they are
>having so much fun but you look like you're going to pass


I think "the crew" has developed the ability to grit their teeth and make it look like a smile!;-)
>I "Mom, they smile like they are
>having so much fun but you look like you're going to pass

Oh that is sooo funny! I guess I talk back to the tv too much when I'm doing some of her videos as my DD13 has told me, "Mom, Cathe doesn't really hear you, you know." In that ingratiating tone that only a 13 year old can produce. It's good that Cathe can't hear me as I am not always nice in what I say to the tv...

I'm in pretty good condition and can do IMax 3 pretty well, but I have to tell you, Interval 9 in IMax 2 still gets the ole heart rate up - I do the happy dance with Cathe after that one! That's a tough one, so do what you can, and do a little more next time. You'll get it, but don't worry about taking your time...
Like others have said just keep at it - you will improve!! :) But with that said, some days I have it and some days I don't for getting through good ole #9. So I don't feel bad on those days when I have to modify because sometimes my legs just aren't up for it. It often depends on what I did the day before.

Melissa, you are not the only one. Interval 9 always does me in, too. I can finish the workout, but I have to take a break toward the end of interval 9. Those plie things are super tough! Then I go back for more. Overall, Imax 2 isn't that bad for me. I mean, interval 9 is the biggest challenge and once I can actually do that all the way through without stopping, I will feel like I made a huge accomplishment. But overall the intervals aren't that bad, because I think she gives us a good amount of time to rest after each one. That's why I am hesitant to try Imax 3 because everyone says the rest periods are much shorter. Imax 2 is very doable, IMO. But with just the right amount of challenge. :)
Erin, the rest periods are definitely shorter in IMAX 3. I just did IMAX 2 yesterday after a couple of weeks of IMAX 3 and IMAX 2 was much easier. It was amazing how long the rest periods in IMAX 2 felt. I just about got through all of Interval 9 with only one little rest. Don't be afraid to try IMAX 3. It's definitely worth it. I like the choreography and music better in IMAX 3. You might have to try and rest a little bit longer between intervals but it's doable. (Note: Interval 5 is all plie jacks!) You'll be glad you tried it.

RE: Am I the only one that cannot get through Imax 2 ?!...

Thanks for the encouragement, Marcy. I will think about getting Imax 3 once I finally master Imax 2. :)

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