
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-01 AT 03:09PM (Est)[/font][p]OK, I've never been pregnant, so I have to go to the experts!

We've been trying to get pregnant, and I'm over a week late now (and ladies, I am never late-you could set a clock by me!). I took 4 pregnancy tests. The first 3 were the cheapie brand, and the line was very faint, so I though maybe something was wrong with the test. So I bought the First Response one that is supposed to be more sensitive (you can use it up to 3 days BEFORE you're supposed to get your period!). Well that line turned bright pink. So I'm guessing I am (can't go to the dr. to confirm until I'm 2 weeks late), but I sure don't FEEL any different....well I have been feeling crampy, almost like menstrual cramps but not quite that strong and a little tired, but other than that, not much different. So, am I really? Or is this just one big fluke??

Hi Renae!

I would be inclined to say YES especially if you got a bright pink line! I know tiredness is usually a good indicator at the beginning also. Basically, I guess I'm just sending some HOPEFUL vibes your way since you are TRYING! Good Luck and keep us posted!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Those tests are very accurate and very unlikely to give you a false positive result because they detect HCG (a pregnancy hormone) in your urine.
With my first pregnancy, I didn't feel any different until I was about 2 weeks late and then I started getting morning sickness. It's hard to believe that your body is doing something so amazing, yet you feel the same as always.
Best wishes!!
The same thing happened to me and this is what the doctor said when I called to make my appt. A positive test is the result of a hormone that shows up in your urine. Sometimes you will get negative results if there isn't enough of the hormone yet in your urine to trigger "the line." But, if you are seeing your pink line it means there is enough hormone in your urine to trigger it!
Tentative congratulations!!
PS...I felt crampy, weaker, etc too when I tested But I just thought it was just a bad month for PMS!!!

If you got any kind of line at all, other than the progress indicator, then you are pregnant. It doesn't matter how faint it is. It would not color at all if there wasn't HCG in your system. The only way you could have HCG in your system (without taking some kind of meds.) is if you're pregnant.

I don't understand why your Dr. won't test you until you're 2 weeks late. You might want to insist on a test, even if it's a blood test. Or find another Dr.

That's the funny thing about early pregnancy. You only have that little test to go by. I never felt any different other than a lot of breast tenderness. A couple of weeks later is when the tiredness set in...and it won't leave :)

Congratulations...I'm thrilled for you!!

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002
Thanks for the info!

It sure is hard to believe there's another human being growing inside me when I feel absolutely no different (in general terms) than normal!

Oh, and Alli, great recommendation about the doctor, but unfortunately, I'm a military wife so I go to the base hospital. It's actually a very good facility but they have their policies about certain things, and there's no getting around them. On the positive side, all my medical care is absolutely 100% free.
Military a good deal...

Four of my five children were born in military hospitals - a little quirky but definitely a bargin! The worst was the weigh-ins - kinda like a cattle call. With one of my pregnancies I gained so much each month the Techs had a way of saying (too loud) 'Well we've gained quite a bit this month...' Sigh...

Happy, sleepy crazy days ahead for you. I hope it all goes well!


PS The weight does come off, so don't despair!
Can't complain about military care....

Joanna, I'm so glad you have a positive stroy regarding military medical care. I have heard so many people claim that military care is the worst. Maybe they had a personal experience, maybe they were only going on hearsay, who knows. But I have been receiving military medical care all of my life (my dad was in the military, and so was I before I married my husband), and I've had nothing but the best care. I had 2 surgeries in military hospitals with great results. My mother had reconstructive knee surgery in a military hospital. My sister had her first child in a military hospital, too. None of us ever experienced any complications or unprofessional care. And, it was all 100% free. I had a cosmetic procedure done in a military hospital that I couldn't have afforded otherwise (jaw surgery for an extreme underbite) and would have been forced to live with. So, no complaints here. :)

Anyway, thanks for the well wishes. I am getting excited now, although I still don't feel like it's "for real", you know? Like, it isn't concrete until I can actual see or feel something pregnancy related in my body!

I'll probably be singing a different tune once morning sickness kicks in.....
RE: Can't complain about military care....

Don't worry, soon you will say to yourself:"What did I look and feel like before?"

And, even though some of military life (separations!) were the pits, overall I cannot think of a better way for a young family to get a solid start - even if it doesn't end up being a career.

Have fun as your 'progress'...

Oh yes...I sounds like you ARE!

I remember that feeling of disbelief...but it's hard to deny that pink line. Keep us posted and please join us on the pregnancy check in. CONGRATULATIONS!
Hi Angela!

Betcha didn't think I'd remember, did you?

Perhaps you and I can go on a Cathe trip again with our pregnant bellies this time. :) I promise not to lock you in the back of Cleda's van again!


Hey, I know you! Cool. It's so great to be able to put a face to the name!. I'm so excited for you. Where are you these days?

I can't imagine taking a Cathe class at this point. I'd be locking MYSELF in Cleda's van. Looking forward to sharing this "journey" with you!

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