Am I Crazy?!?!


Active Member
Hi all. I'm almost embarrassed to post this to the group, but here goes anyhow!!! :) I've only started working out yet AGAIN this week. And since I'm just starting back up, I haven't worked out everyday because of extreme soreness, so I've had days of rest. Watch out next week though.............

Anyways, I don't know if I'm just totally crazy, or if this is even possible. I haven't achieved any "results" in a week, but I have noticed some muscle already (of course hiding under 60 lbs. of fat) in my biceps and in my quads. Is this possible?!?!? It's nothing huge, but it is there! If nothing else, this definitely gives me the incentive to keep going. Has this ever happened to anybody else?!?!
RE: Great!

Well, it turns out maybe I was crazy. :-hmmm I lost that "muscle" I thought I had gotten already. I am due to do MIS today, so maybe it will return!! hahaha. I think it was just a pump with water being retained in the muscle that I was feeling.
RE: Great!

Hi Katrid! Certainly you are not crazy. I find oftentimes that after I do a weight workout, my muscles will swell - this is normal of course, in fact Cathe addresses it in one of the PS vids (BB&A I think). It could be that's what you were noticing, in which case you really did do something for your muscles! Keep it up. :)
RE: Great!

Starting an exercise program, I always estimate about 6 weeks to start seeing real gains since you are dropping pounds and adding muscle. And initially, as you gain muscle, your weight is not a good gauge since muscle is more dense than fat and you can actually gain weight even as you lose fat. So, use gains in endurance and loss of inches to determine your results at first. One to one and a half pounds of weight loss is a safe rate to aim for. Do you have a dietary plan?

Bobbi Chick's Rule!

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