Am I being petty?

I agree, T.
Speaking of how they got that way, I've attended Karen's live classes that she teaches and
:O ...way harder than the videos! Way longer than the videos! And she doesn't even look tired at the end! If you want to know what Karen thinks and what she does to be fit, you can read her book. I think you'll find her mindset about fitness to be healthy and encouraging.
>Just curious, is it well established that Karen Voight did
>have augmentation? She looks more filled out all around, and
>I wonder if she just decided that being as lean as she was
>wasn't healthy. I just thought Karen put on some needed

Going from "flat as a pancake" to "D cup" is definitely more than just gaining weight. Though after she had them done, I thought to myself that she could have gotten some size by doing exactly what you mentioned: not having such a low body fat (which often made her look gristly IMO, as on the cover of some of her workouts)and putting on a healty amount of fat.
I think you'll find her mindset about fitness
>to be healthy and encouraging.

Which makes her choice to have invasive surgery that will have to be repeated about every 10 years (if she's lucky...15 if she's really lucky, and less than that if she's not) all the more oxymoronic.
Hey well,
She wrote the book before she had the surgery. Maybe she changed her mind. :)
Ha! Ha! I think you can have healthy workout and eating habits and a boob job. I also think its possible to have a boob job even if you don't have a body image disorder. But I've never had one so I don't know. :)
This discussion was on here before, back when she first had it done. I agree with Trevor 100%. I don't think a boob job (or say, a nose job, or a chin job, etc.) has anything to do with how you workout or eat or live your life, and I don't think it's anyone's business either.

Karen has worked long & hard to build her healthy body AND her very healthy business! Having done everything she could to live in a healthy manner, she apparently decided it would make her happy to increase her bust size. So what? I would love to LOSE about half of my bust & believe me, if I had the money, it would be done tomorrow. Or tonight if possible! Does that mean I don't try to workout, eat well, live healthy? One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

My .02,
I too am disappointed when I see that an instructor has had breast augmentation.
I will never believe that someone does this for themselves only, unless that person enjoys staring at their chests in the mirror all day!
Surgery is surgery and it comes with many risks.
I wish women would stop giving in to this large breasted ideal. I am perfectly happy with my A cup, and really, have never wished for anything larger in my adult life. Can't imagine hiking, running, or playing tennis with large breats, to tell the truth.
As a nurse, I took care of an elderly woman who had breast implants. I'm not sure how long she had had them, but I must say they looked strange on her old body.
THANK YOU Trevor!! I have implants myself (lost all I had after bearing and nursing three kids) and maybe I'm overreacting but it really gets my back up sometimes, the assumptions people make about women who choose this. The whole "you're 'selling out', why can't you be natural" blah blah blah is just so boring. Not to mention, occasionally born of jealousy.}(
Ummm... why would anyone be jealous of an individual who has implants? I really am asking this sincerely because I cannot imagine why anyone would.
I do want to add that I do like Karen Voight and her breast implants do not make me feel inadequate. I certainly don't think she is advocating anyone get them and I also don't think she makes any claims that her workouts will give you a body like hers.
I happen to think she looks fabulous, but I thought she looked even better pre surgery.
I personally see no problem with plastic surgery done in moderation. But I wouldn't call your dissatisfaction with the instructor pettiness. If you're no longer comfortable, then find one with whom you can be happy.
Yes, that is a good point. Everyone has their own reasons for liking or disliking an instructor. I think it discredits others' feelings when you state "this shouldn't bother you." Well, just because it doesn't bother you does not mean it shouldn't bother me.
There's an old saying from Latin, "There's no accounting for taste." A better translation would be "You don't have to justify taste." I personally prefer small breasts and am glad mine are only medium. My first KV workout she was already enhanced, so when I got some older ones, I liked the way she looked better, and wished she'd stayed that way, but still, I love her in her new workouts too, so I won't hold her choice against her, even though I don't agree with it aesthetically. I liked her hair short also, but oh well, she didn't ask me before she grew it long LOL!


Hi, I was just wondering if you had an answer to my question. Not to harp on this, but I have seen this statement about jealousy before and really am curious why women with implants would feel that someone would be jealous of them.
RE: jealousy?

Sorry KS - didn't see your post right away. Anyway - it has been my experience,as well as the experience of other women with implants who I've talked to, that sometimes when a woman gets all high-and-mighty putting down someone who they even just suspect of having implants, it is because she envies the look of a nice-sized perfectly shaped bust but can't admit to herself that she wants them too. I personally did the same thing.I was miserable about the sorry state of my own breasts after childbearing but was not ready to seriously consider implants for three years after weaning my last baby. After a lot of soul searching and even more researching to educate myself about this type of surgery, I found a board certified surgeon I like and went for it, and have never regretted it. I am not ditsy, slutty, or harboring a secret desire to take up pole-dancing, I am just a mom who wanted to like the way her body looks and now I do. If I were a fitness instructor getting bashed for having implants, I would be really hurt and angry and I guess it just gets me a little mad hearing people do that. Yikes, sorry didn't mean to rant!:eek: Hope that answers your question.
RE: jealousy?

Thanks for answering. I guess my feeling is, if I wanted them, I'd get'em. That is why I couldn't understand the jealousy remark. I mean, as long as you can pay for it can't anyone get them? (Actually, as I understand there now are people who actually finance plastic surgery. Now that is kind of sad, you have to admit.) I'm not a fan of implants. Not out of jealousy--just don't think surgery is worth it and I've never seen a pair that I really thought looked good.
I do think you are probably translating your experience to others-- obviously this must have been very important to you if you decided to take such a drastic step, but I honestly would not say that if someone is not in favor of them it is because they are so miserable and cannot admit it to themselves. Breasts are just something I usually don't think about. I guess, in that respect I need to be more repectful of others feelings. It is really difficult for me to understand why someone would get them because I have never been concerned about my size in my life, but I guess I have to consider that there are individuals out there, for better or worse, that feel like this is something they have to do.
Anyway, I certainly was not under the impression that you harbored a dream to be a stripper just because you got implants.
RE: jealousy?

No problem.;-) Like I said I tend to be oversensitive!And if you are one of those people who totally accept and feel comfortable in their own bodies "as is", I admit I envy YOU!! Surgery is absolutely a serious undertaking, not only financially but physically too - the recovery and pain are no small thing. I have enjoyed "talking" with you - hearing a different viewpoint is very interesting to me.:) Take care!
RE: jealousy?

You don't have to think about them if yours are even half-way presentable. And I think some of the jealousy is that someone else can afford what you long to do. That's true in my case, although I've never resented anyone who could afford reduction. Just outright envious!;-)

RE: jealousy?

I always thought Karen Voight was lovely before, but when i saw here in Streamline Fitness i thought she looked a million times better. Now coming from a gay guy this obviously isn't a sexual thing. She was still (too) lean, but herlarger breasts made her more attractive (personally speaking to me). I just thought she went from looking really good to really really good.

Now, she has put on some bodyfat, but is still lean, but she has to be in her mid 40s now.

I still like her. But i do not like her new stuff. Too easy. If Cathe got implants i could care less. Everyone can do what they want. I doens't make her any less good at what she does.

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