Am I aiming for failure in Meso 3???


I just did my first workout of Meso 3 this morning. I'm doing the longer 6 month rotation so I'm repeating each week, which I'm am LOVING because it allows me to tweek my weights as needed to get the appropriate weight.

Today, during disc 25, I found that I could go more than the 8 reps, and you (Cathe, that is, :D) say in this disc that we should be really working for that 8th rep and maybe not even GETTING to that 8th rep. On almost every exercise today, I found that I could have eeked out another rep or 2 with good form, with the weight on my WO card. So now, as I'm prepping my WO card for next week's repeat of this disc, I'm wondering if I should be increasing them in order to hit that 8th rep with a REAL struggle (yet good form).

I'm also trying to keep in mind that I'm SUPER FRESH from my Recovery Week and was PUMPED UP this morning, but still......

So my question is: am I shooting for failure (or awfully close to it) by that 8th rep???


Gayle, in the intro to this w/o I believe Cathe says you should pick a wt that you can do for 9 reps. To me that means you should be close to failure on 8 but not quite. I just did this one this morning too.

It's hard to say what you should do. I know some weeks I feel really strong and then if I upped my wt the next week I had to drop back down a littl :confused: Maybe try going up just a pound or two on things and see how it goes.

For me I hit failure after 6 or 7 reps on some of the later chest exercises. My chest was quivering (literally) during the extended stretch :eek:

Yes, you should be hitting failure by the 8th rep. I think it is next week that you will only be doing 7 reps which is to failure, also. If I were you I would up your weights so that you can reach failure by your 7th or 8th rep.

Just to let you know, when I was in Meso 3, I liked it, but for some reason I couldn't wait to be done with it. I didn't have that feeling at all with Meso 1 or Meso 2. That being said, I really missed Meso 3 when I finished it. I was able to look at the whole program and see the benefits of all three Mesocycles.

I started Meso 1 again three weeks ago, so I start week 4 tomorrow. It was a shock to my system to go from Meso 3, which was super heavy and 60 to 90 seconds breaks to the Endurance of 15 reps and virtually no breaks. My point being, enjoy this Meso 3 for you will get significant strength gains from it!!

I have increased my weights by about 10% from when I started Meso 1 on Feb.2!!!

Take care,

I just listened to the intro again and Cathe does indeed say that she wants you to select the heaviest wt you can do for 9 reps. Now granted, the # reps you will be doing are 8. So if you are able to keep going beyond that then I would increase a little. She also mentions a time or two (as I am sure you know) that it's ok if you don't make it to 8 reps. As long as you are working hard, that's all that matters :eek:
Thanks, Ladies. I figured that increasing my weights a bit is what I should do, but I like getting that confirmation. I'm also taking into consideration that this was straight off a recovery week and I was super charged-up and refreshed. I just felt so STRONG and I'm already using weights that are rather heavy (for me) and just wanted to get a second (and third) opinion!


I just did my first workout of Meso 3 this morning. I'm doing the longer 6 month rotation so I'm repeating each week, which I'm am LOVING because it allows me to tweek my weights as needed to get the appropriate weight.

Today, during disc 25, I found that I could go more than the 8 reps, and you (Cathe, that is, :D) say in this disc that we should be really working for that 8th rep and maybe not even GETTING to that 8th rep. On almost every exercise today, I found that I could have eeked out another rep or 2 with good form, with the weight on my WO card. So now, as I'm prepping my WO card for next week's repeat of this disc, I'm wondering if I should be increasing them in order to hit that 8th rep with a REAL struggle (yet good form).

I'm also trying to keep in mind that I'm SUPER FRESH from my Recovery Week and was PUMPED UP this morning, but still......

So my question is: am I shooting for failure (or awfully close to it) by that 8th rep???



In this mesocycle #3 we want you to find a weight that you can do just barely 9 times for every exercise for the first week. Obviously you're going to have good and bad days for various reasons and finding a weight you can do exactly 9 times may vary from day to day. Just use your best judgment in getting started.

After you get started you may fine on certain days that your feeling strong and want to do a few extra reps - that's okay. Just make sure you don't burn out on the first set and you have enough left to finish the other sets. And yes you should go to failure or pretty close to it on almost every set, so don't worry if you don't make all the prescribed reps. This is actually what we hope will happen as we want to focus on strength in this mesocycle.

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