Good morning ladies !
I'm feeling cheery for some reason - guess I should just enjoy and not try to figure out why . . .
Lori - way to go on the raise girl ! Glad it worked out for you they way you had hoped. Have a fun workout before going back to 90X. And maybe, just maybe, your boss needs to know how great a forum Cathe has over here. (Facebook, pah leeeese). I mean, come on, we helped you decide to stay there, didn't we? (LOL !)
Sunny - understand about your DS - it is enjoyable but hard to watch them grow up because all stage of their lives have good in them. My "baby" just turned 19 and is out living on her own, sigh. But as always, a new phase of life for me to help with.
Tammy - have fun with NROL, the original I guess since I don't recognize the workout lingo. I took a couple days off between my NROLW workouts and have mild DOMS fron the other day. At least I feel like I did something that way.

Check in when you can - it is hard for me too but I'm beginning to be a "bad girl" and do it for my breaks at work, he he he.
Lora - sounds like a good workout - <<<crossing fingers for the scale to move for ya>>>}(
Wendy - hope your Interval+ comes to fruition for you. How fun a bowling league. I remember our Saturday league when all the neighborhood kids would go to the local bowling alley and play for a couple hours. 118 is not bad just getting back into it ! I am another who loves a good workout to take care of a moody day.
Judy - I'm kinda in agreement about the NROLW. I have one more AMRAP for Workout B and then will take two weeks of doing circuits. Am hoping that will be enough of a distraction to make it at least another stage or 2. Y'all got me wondering about the D$%* kettlebells now. x(
Jen - a few pita chips and a glass o'wine isn't too bad. Can you eat some shredded carrots or snap peas? That helps me with the "crunch demons" ! Good luck to the scale moving for you too ! So what's up with this WS workout anyway Alwyn?
I took a break from running today and did HSC. The NROLW has definitely increased my strength as I did more today than I have ever done in the past. Feels really good - but at the same time was hard as I see my endurance for Cathe workouts dwindling a bit. Will be doing the August 06 Bootcamp workout for two weeks before deciding on Stage 2 or not. And I did just order the Turbo Jam workouts . . . hmmmm, think I may have too many choices soon }(
Have a great day ladies.