Always hungry!


Hey everyone,
I am currently just finishing up week one of Cathe's Bootcamp rotation and it is pretty hard! But I am doing it and am damn proud of myself! But I am having a problem. It seems the harder I workout the more I want to eat. Which makes sense. But its ruining my clean eating! I am trying to lose about 10 more lbs. (already lost 10) and I feel like if I keep eating so much I'm just not going to lose any weight. Anyone have an ideas on how I would keep working out hard without it messing up my clean eating as well as stalling my weight loss?

Hi Lauren, As I understand it, your body needs the fuel of food. As you are working out very hard (Bootcamp certainly qualifies!!), you need to feed your body. There is a lot of science and differing opinions on the part that I am just trying to understand. Some think that your body will burn the fat first, then the muscle will go if you do not get enough fuel. I do not have weight to lose, but know that I get incredibly hungry after grueling workouts, especially when done over the period of a week. If I don't eat, I will get too weak and be worthless. So, I go for whole grains/ fiber, fruits, veggies, proteins, nuts (I know, a good form of protein, but just separating them from meats and shakes), and good carbs. I also don't mind a sweet to satisfy me! :) You should be aiming for about 5 small meals a day anyway. Just keep eating clean, but add more if you need to so you can make it through the day and be ready for more the next day. If you eat more, it doesn't have to be poor food choices - just make sure you are eating b/c you are hungry (I tend to snack when I'm bored or distracted.) Good luck, and congrats on what you have already accomplished!
Hi Lauren,

I always find that when I step up the intensity of my workouts, I'm ravenous, too! Like meowracer said, if you focus on eating really clean and getting plenty of protein and healthy carbs, you shouldn't need to worry too much about gaining weight!:)
Lauren - I struggle with the same problem, especially as I'm so close to my goal weight. Everytime I lose 1-2 pounds, I get really hungry.

I was listening to a podcast from Jillian Michaels last night and she happened to have a segment on how to lose the last 10 pounds. I'll try to remember them...

(BTW - I think she said they are in her new book Making the Cut).

- Eat more protein
- Eat unlimited green vegetables (before the rest of your meal preferably to fill you up)
- Leave 3 bites on your plate from each meal
- Switch out your high calorie indulgences for lower calorie items (for example, go for a sugar-free flavor to your coffee over the sugar syrup was her example)
- Take fiber (soluble) before a meal with 20 oz water
- If you are craving something, just have it but have a small portion and plan it into your calories for the day
- Do interval training
- Eat often to avoid hunger
- Don't have a cheat day, plan for a small treat each day

I can't remember the last couple of items but I think these are all good.

ETA - one more (may be the same as number 4 above) take away something that you won't miss. Her example was take the cheese off your sandwich. You save calories and don't really miss that slice if you load up on veggies.
Also, don't forget dairy. I forgot to mention that one. Things like lowfat cottage cheese or my favorite, Greek yogurt (Fage is the brand I get), are great. I take the yogurt - 0% fat and no added sugar (6 grams total), and 80 calories - and add fresh blackberries, some flaxseed, and a small amount of sucanat sweetener (stands for sugar cane natural);it is non-refined cane sugar. The Greek yogurt, I found out, needs just a little something! I use about a teaspoon of the sucanat. Now, I don't know that I could go back to the "regular" yogurt. This is a creamy, yummy, healthy snack that fills me up - also gets some fruit and protein (13 grams), and calcium in you too!
Great tips guys! Thanks! I think I just need to watch my snacking and make sure I only eat at my 5 or 6 mini meal times.

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