Alternating workouts.....

Hi Cathe! I just wanted to know, in order to lose fat, would you recommend doing cardio one day, then an upper body the next day, then cardio, then lower body, cardio etc. I just often feel like I should do cardio at night on the days I do weight training. For instance, Monday is imax2, tues is pub, wed is cardio, th is legs and glutes. I am just looking for your opinion and if you think more cardio is needed or if this rotation sounds ok. Thanks for your time...Tracy
Hi Tracy! How long have you been doing the method you just mentioned? Are you happy with your results? There really is nothing wrong with the approach you just mentioned however if you have been doing it for a while and/or not still stimulated or challenged by it, then you would need to change it to continue making progress. If you want to add cardio on your weight training days you can do that but I suggest lifting weights first so that you are able to give your weight training your focus and best effort. Good Luck!
Hi Tracy! How long have you been doing the method you just mentioned? Are you happy with your results? There really is nothing wrong with the approach you just mentioned however if you have been doing it for a while and/or not still stimulated or challenged by it, then you would need to change it to continue making progress. If you want to add cardio on your weight training days you can do that but I suggest lifting weights first so that you are able to give your weight training your focus and best effort. Good Luck!

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