Alpha Omega Check-In (Thurs 2/19/09)

Good morning everyone!

"...upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it" (Matthew 16:18)

Iris, thanks for the tip! I may have to invest in weighted gloves! I'm glad you're still enjoying STS, are you sore today?? I'm sorry you had a bad day at work and hope you had a nice relaxing night!

Jennifer- awesome idea to site proverbs in your paper! What better source to reference than the TRUTH!! :) How great that you have a believing classmate too!

Today is my OFF day. I'd like to keep my workouts to 5 days per week and decided on Thurs and Sundays as my off days. Whenever I push myself to do 6 days per week, I always regret it!

I pray everyone has a blessed day!
Hello Ladies,

Just a quick check in from work. I hope everyone is doing ok.

Linda how is your son feeling?

Jennifer great idea on siting Proverbs :)

Hello Karen and the rest of the crew :)

Today's workout will be kickboxing class. I thought I would be more sore from STS. Actually my back feels pretty good, and my triceps are just a little sore, but that's good. I don't believe you have to be hurting all over to have an effective workout, lol. Tomorrow is legs, and we'll see how that goes.

Christine, weighted gloves are great to have, but sometimes I prefer to just use 1 lb. dumbbells. They make it soo much easier to drop and pick up as needed, rather than having to put the gloves on and off. I think it's a great idea to take 2 rest days off per week, and especially the way you've brokend them down.

Have a great evening everyone.
Hey all,

Today was Imax Extreme and the first segment of Core Max. Felt good today to give it all I had. Love to feel the heavy breathing! :)

Hi Christine, We are so fortunate that God is our Rock and Redeemer. Praise God for His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Hi Iris, have a great kickbox workout and congrats on STS. Keep us posted how that is going.

Tonight is brownie night and dinner with my sister. We are like a couple of kids the way we look forward to our time together. Of course, my 6 yr old nephew and 3 yr old niece love it too!! :) They get to have some of the brownie batter. :)

Take care and God Bless,
Have a Great Night!!! Going to class to participate.
Praise GOD!! I am getting back money from a client I gave her the item back. I will get her a gift card and card.

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