Alpha Omega Check-In (Mon, 5/11 - Sun, 5/17)

Hello Christine & Jen,

Thank you soo much for the advise Jen. I spent some time today searching through I set up my profile and now I just need to get working on my resume. I was soo depressed at work yesterday. I found myself taking down most of my pictures, and taking home a lot of things that I have accumulated over time. It's amazing how I've made myself at home. My kids couldn't believe it when I came home with all this stuff. They think I'm over-reacting, but I said, when & if they do let me go, or I get to the point where I can't take it anymore, I want to be able to grab just my purse and leave. I don't want to have to grab anything off my desk. Still, it's very depressing, because a lot of what's going on is such b.s. Thanks for helping me take that first step at least. How are things at your job going these days? I can't believe you've been there soo long too. I'll keep you in my prayers for the new position you applied for.

Christine, it's good to see you back. I was wondering where you've been :)

Well, I guess all the stress of the week has me feeling really tired. I forced myself to workout. Had no desire to do, and went for T.J. CP2, because I figured it'd be easier. I couldn't even complete the whole workout, but I'm going to cut myself some slack, and see it as, I did a 40 minute workout. At least I got some cardio in. I'm now down about 5 lbs., and not sure if it's Meso 3 helping, or just the anxiety making me burn calories with my heart constantly racing.

Christine, say a prayer that my son goes to church with me tomorrow. We have a great guest speaker coming tomorrow - Greg Hubbard, and my son has the day off. He told me he will go with me, but I know come the morning, he's going to not want to get out of bed. Please pray god will make him eager to go. I have to PTL for my daughter. Yesterday, she actually told me she couldn't wait for Sunday, and when I asked her why, she said because I want to go to church :) That's huge! My daughter is actually reading the bible these days too. It makes me soo happy :)

Enjoy the weekend ladies.
You may want to go to Careerbuilder,, and others as well. LinkedIn is a great professional network and Facebook is good too to make connections. Sunday, I will be attending worship in this other city then checking out a few open houses. I believe when it happens, it will be quick so I need to be prepared on location and on price range for a home.

Have a Blessed Weekend/

“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)

Hello again ladies! This post will be long since I haven't been on in a few days! I have to play "catch up" :p

Iris, I'm sorry you've been sick with stress from work. I've been there and I know it is a terrible place to be! It was the same type of environment I worked in at the law firm. Everyone pulled you in 5 different directions and they all wanted their massive amounts of assignments done ASAP. I know it can be scary for you to think about leaving because you've been there so long but I agree with Jennifer. You deserve much better and if you take a look on those job finder websites, you may be able to find something else. It doesn't hurt to look! In the meantime, just keep trusting in the Lord and try not to let the stress make you sick (easier said than done, I know!) Just remember that He has it all under control and will take care of you no matter what happens! Did your FIL call with his biopsy results? I pray you get some good news! Don't worry about not being so into your workouts right now. The important thing is that you're doing what you can and that is better than nothing! Whenever I'm stressed with things on my mind I try and find the Cathe DVD I have with the most complicated choreography, that way I can't think about anything else or I will fall off my step! LOL!! Hooray about your son and daughter's interest in going to church and Bible study, that is awesome!! I will definitely keep this in prayer tonight!

Jennifer, your faith really is an inspiration and I pray all goes well for you when you spend some time in this new city. You are doing all the right things in preparation, that way when God moves, you will be prepared to take action!

I've been continuing with Slim in Six "Ramp it Up" and "Slim & Limber" for my workouts on Thursday, Friday and today. I got back into the squats and lunges today and my knee seems better. My husband and I went shopping today and one thing I desperately needed was new sneakers! I need cross trainers for my workouts and walking/running shoes for when I got out with the dog. Those sneakers are about 10 years old, no joke!! I tried on a pair I really liked and they felt sooo good! They are New Balance, which I love. So now we're going to go online and try to find a cheaper pair. We seem to get really good deals on EBAY. We ran some other errands but now we are in for the night to eat some Chinese (YUM!) and relax! I'm happy to be back posting with my A/O friends! I hope you guys have a great night!

Blessings! :)
Hello Christine.
Thank you for your support of Iris and my journeys in Faith. I agree with you that a son's or daughter's interest in attending church and or a bible study is great!! New Balance shoes are good, I have heard only good things about them. I have Ryka's from when I was certified aerobics instructor and I got discount on them. Never taught though, just got the certificate.
Today on TV, Cardio Blast was Cathe's Boot Camp. My inspiration and my heartache as well.


Hi Christine,

I can't believe I forgot to post about my FIL's results. I feel soo self-centered right now :( We heard from my BIL that the results were normal, PTL. I was very concerned because all along, my husband thought the results were due on Wednesday, so he called his dad on Wednesday, only to find out the results weren't due until the next day. My husband asked him to call us when he found out the results. But of course they didn't. I thought, oh no, it must be bad. Most normal people are eager to share good news, but my husband's family is unique, to say the least, lol, and that's all I'll say about that, lol. They are just not a very warm kind of family. Even my husband can go months, even a year without calling them on the phone. It's just soo not like me & my family. Thankfully, my husband is not like that with me or my family, so that's a good thing.

I love New Balance sneakers. Good sneakers can be pretty expensive. I experiment with Nike, New Balance, Ryka. I even have a few other miscellaneous brands, like Rebok and LA Gear. I never buy sneakers when they first come out though. That's when you pay close to $100. a pair. New Balance are very comfy and lightweight.

Jen, you've been soo much help, I've looked into the other sites you mentioned too. Now I just have to stay consistent, and keep on searching. Another thing that makes it hard for me, is that people can be very negative too. Most of the people I know, keep telling me, hang in there. This is a bad market to be looking for a change. My husband does support me though. Thursday night, after my meeting at work where all these tough rules and scrutiny came up, I had such panic attacks, that I cried for about an hour in bed, uncontrollably. My husband was soo mad. He kept telling me, you don't have to put up with that. You can find another job. I was just soo overwhelmed. Even now, it's the weekend, and I keep dreading Monday. I work close to home, and have passed my office twice today. My daughter tells me to stop thinking of the office and enjoy the weekend. I just pray, I will feel more uplifted after church service tomorrow. I feel guilty admitting that I'm going to church hoping for a touch from God, but I really need it.

Tomorrow will probably be a rest day for me workout wise, but I'll be checking in as usual :) Goodnight ladies.
To be honest, I have had weekends where I have been stressed out from work as well so that when Monday came up, I didn't want to go back. I agree with your husband that you don't have to put up with that and to find something else. Your job hunt can be your therapy. School does it for me because I know that I am working to find a better position in a new field. BTW, yesterday I posted for another position at one hospital and I contacted a person about volunteering at another. Earlier this week, I applied for a position in a non-prof facility healthcare in management. Also, please don't tell anyone at work that you are now looking for new employment. Keep it to yourself and your family. Have a Blessed Day!! And be consistent!

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him, but he must ask in faith without any doubting" (James 1:5,6)

Jennifer, are you able to get in any workouts now that you have FitTV? I haven't done Boot Camp in a while, that one is a toughie!! How is your weekend going?

Iris, how did you make out with your son and church this morning? I'm glad to hear your FIL test's were normal! Yes, good sneakers are very expensive! I remember paying about $150 for my current cross-trainers but I needed good ones since I was teaching classes and stuff. I've had those for almost 3 years now and they have gotten me through TONS of workouts! I need new cross trainers too, but my focus right now is one walking/running shoes. My walking sneakers are the ones I've had for like 10 years. I found a pair I liked at the store and we actually couldn't find any cheaper on-line, so we'll probably go back to the store today to buy them. These are only around $40, but I found them at Kohl's and everything there seems to be cheaper! I know how hard it can be to leave work behind during the weekends. I always hated that dreadful feeling of returning on Monday, I called it the "Sunday blues". It may not be the best market for job searching right now, but there is never a bad time when it comes to God and His plans! Just do your part in looking and leave the open opportunities to Him! With God on your side you are already ahead of the game. And just remember, He will bring the right thing into your life if that is His plan and if now is the time. So don't get discouraged, just keep trusting Him! :)

Today is my rest day. We are going to visit my my sister and brother-in-law as today is their 6 year wedding anniversary (13 years together total), and we want to drop off a gift. Other than that, it's relaxation day! Tomorrow I start the advanced SLim in Six workut "Burn it Up", it's 60 minutes and it looks tough! I'm excited though.

Hellos and blessings to all who follow!
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Hello Ladies,

Happy Sunday. Although, it means Monday is around the corner, lol.

Christine, my son would not wake up to go to church this morning. I was very dissapointed, but ended up leaving him alone. My daughter went with me, and she felt blessed. The good thing is this is an Evangelistic event, and will be going on tonight at 6:30, and Mon-Wed. at 7PM. My daughter is trying to convince Nick to go tonight at 6:30. If he agrees to go, then I'll be there for sure. I was happy to see my cousins and their husband's in church today, as well as Leslie. She has lost most of her hair now from the chemo, and wears a handkerchief. But amazingly, you can't really feel soo bad when you see what god is doing through these circumstances. You see how he is drawing them into a relationship with him, and you realize that god can take a tragic situation and turn it around for good :) This Evangelist - Greg Hubbard is soo annointed. He preached on the blind man who cried out to Jesus and even though he was told to be quiet, he kept calling out to Jesus, until he got his attention, and received healing. He brought to life how we can cry out to Jesus in the midst of any circumstance and get his attention. I just felt the message was soo appropriate for me, and I'm sure many, many others who were there today.

Jen, I hear you on not letting anyone know I'm looking for work at my office. I even hesitated about that when I cleared a lot of the things off my desk, and only one of my co-workers seemed to notice things were missing off my desk. I told her I just wanted to depersonalize my desk. She is one of the girls who really likes working with me, because she says I'm one of the only people who's kind to her :) She told me, you're not quitting are you? and genuinely seemed sad. I told her no, but I just want to be prepared for anything. The truth is, I really can't afford to just quit. I just have to keep my options open, looking consistently, and just continue to do the best job that I can in my current possition, for as long as the Lord has me there. The rest is in his hands. You're a great motivation factor for me. You make me feel like there are other possibilities out there, and I'm greatful for that :)

Well, today is my rest day. My shoulders feel a little sore from the heavy lifting on Friday. Tomorrow I start my last week of STS - Meso 3. I am amazed that I'm nearly done. Tomorrow, I will work chest & back. Hopefully,my shoulders will be able to handle it.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend ladies :)
Hello Friends.
HE is amazing!! Today, I went looking at homes in the other city for open houses. I ran into two realtors that have contacts in the healthcare facilities I want to work at. The second realtor I met about 6 weeks ago and we connected. I asked her to be my realtor for my move today. We chatted for about 90 minutes about life. After I get another job and I am moved and settled, we're going to do lunch. Her contact may actually solidify.
Monday is a day off to spend studying, working on the house, and relaxing. Tuesday, school starts again.



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