Alpha Omega Check-In (Mon, 5/11 - Sun, 5/17)

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)

Good morning ladies!

I am happy to report that I am back down a pound, hooray! It doesn't make sense to me, I guess any # of reasons can make the scale fluctuate! I don't normally weight myself every week for these reasons, but I like to see how I'm doing on this program.

I haven't worked out yet today so I'll be back to report that later.

Hope everyone has a great day! Hellos & blessings to all! :)
may I join?

I would love to join this group. I am always looking for mor spirit filled things to add to my life. I am an occasional lurker but would love to be more active with you gals. My first question is if any of you use/know of any Christian meditation CD's. Thanks for any help and God Bless the rest of your day!
Hi FourBoyMom! Welcome to the group! It's so nice to have you join us and post! I wish I had an answer for you but I don't have (or know of) any Christian meditation CD's. It sounds like a great investment though! Maybe the other gals may know? I look forward to getting to know you more!

Today's workout was Slim in 6 "Ramp it Up" and "Slim & Limber". I also walked with the dog and today we went 2.85 miles.

Praise God, it's a beautiful day today! I hope everyone is enjoying it. :)
Hello Ladies.
How are you? One more week off from school due to scheduling but I am NOT complaining so I will start reading this week for it. My academic counselors told me with my grade from QBR, I should do well for the rest of my program as far as difficulty goes but not effort. Effort is still very important. Praise GOD!!!
Have a Blessed Night and Welcome FourBoyMom!!

Hello Ladies,

Soo happy to read the thread and see someone new posting. Welcome four boy mom. Now you should tell us your name, so we don't continue to call you by your screen-name :) I never thought of medication CD's, but if you find any, I would love to hear about them. I could use some good christian meditation to help me with everyday stresses. Our little group here is very small, but it's a place I love coming to and I feel like I'm chatting with friends, so I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

Christine, don't you just love when that scale moves down? Mine is finally moving too in the right direction this time, lol. I don't know if it's Meso 3, or the cardio switch up. I just hope it lasts, lol.

Jen, enjoy your unexpected week off from school :)

I don't remember if I posted my workout last night. I had planned on taking a rest day, but ended up going downstairs and my daughter was running on the TM, which gave me the little push I needed, so I went ahead and did my Chest & Back workout. I really enjoy this Mesocycle. The only thing I hate is changing weights soo much. As it is, I was using 3 barbells, and still had to use my pace weights. I was loving those longer breaks yesterday, lol.

Today I took a rest day. My doctor appt. went ok, but I'm anemic again, so it's back to iron pills. Other than that, things look pretty good.

Have a great night ladies :)
Good Mroning Ladies of Alpha Omega.
Our LORD is looking out for me, I have decided to do all my reading this week for the first week of class so over the Holiday of my next class, I can do stuff on Saturday. With the reading done, I will be able to post and to do homework and assignments timely. Also, I decided to pay off my car loan and to make a bigger dent in my credit card from leftover funds from my student loan. Using this money will not change my student loan payment amounts at all so I decided to use it.
Tonight, I will go for a long walk.
BBL tonight.

"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." (Isaiah 46:4)

Jennifer, it's always smart to reduce debt anytime you have the extra cash to spare! I'm happy to hear you've been blessed with that opportunity! Good for you! I'm glad to hear you're getting your homework done this week so you can enjoy next weekend!

Iris, which Meso of STS do you think is your favorite? I would probably enjoy Meso 1 the most, since I really love endurance type workouts! Have you been anemic your whole life? Glad to hear, besides the anemia, that your doc's appointment went well!

FourBoyMom, hope all is well!

Today I walked with my dog 2.7 miles. It was such a nice morning, the weather is beautiful! The park I take her too is really nice, I love walking there. There is a lake there that I let her jump into after our walk to cool off. She loves it!! (Did I mention that already? I forget! Sorry if I did :p) After we got back I did one segment of Stretchmax. Later on I also did Slim in 6 "Ramp it Up" followed by "Slim & Limber". I'm eating some lunch now and then plan to work on the rest of my homework for Bible study tonight.

Hellos and blessings to all who follow!
Hello Ladies,

I was able to take my favorite KB class at the gym today. It was soo hot in that room. The A.C. was on, but it was probably on low. Everyone was sweating like crazy.

Christine, it's really odd about STS. I honestly don't think I have a favorite Meso. As soon as I move onto the next one, I just find something I really enjoy about it, and don't really miss the one I've completed. But I know lots of people have said they don't care much for Meso 3. I like it because you lift heavy, but less reps. I feel like I can push harder because the reps are lower. I think instead of Plyo legs tomorrow, I'm going to do one of the Squat Rack workouts. I don't have the DVD's to it, but I printed out the workout card, and I'm just going to put some worship music on and go with it. It should be interesting.

I just developed anemia in the past few years. Mostly due to heavy periods. At one point, I discussed a surgical procedure with my gyno that would take care of the heavy periods, but I figure, as long as the iron pills bring up my blood count, I won't go through surgery. The iron pills worked soo well for me that I was able to stop taking them for about a year now. I am hoping I get the same results this time around.

I absolutely love the scripture you posted today. It really spoke to me. There is a lot of nonsence going on at work, and all kinds of new rules that they want to implement in my dept. It really doesn't seem fair to me that we get singled out, but I've decided to just pray about and go with the flow of things. I know the lord will take care of me no matter what happens.

Jennifer, great game plan you have in mind. I've been trying to payoff my debt too. It's the smart thing to do these days.

Hello Fourboysmom :) I hope you're having a good day.

Good night everyone.
Hello Ladies,
Stopping to say Hello after The Biggest Loser, I think Tara was shocked that Helen won just like me. School is going well and work is fine. Making myself aware that HE is control of my vacation day on Monday. :) for interview, school, or whatever HE has planned for me. It feels great to pay off the car and it bring down my one and only piece of plastic. HE is opening the doors to keep the dream alive!!

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)

Jen, I watched the Biggest Loser this season too! I thought Tara would win too, but when I saw how teeny-tiny Helen was, and that she weighed in at 117 lbs (holy cow!!!), I thought Helen had a chance! Good for you for letting the Lord guide your vacation day! You know whatever He has planned is His perfect will for you! :)

Iris, I'm glad you liked yesterday's scripture. I am reading a book called "Loving God with all your Mind" by Elizabeth George, and that was one of the scriptures she used so it was fresh in my mind! It's good to be reminded that no matter what stage we are in life, He is there and cares! I think you would really like the book. I know I struggle with my mind and thinking upon the wrong things, which can lead to anxiety and stuff, and this book helps deal with that. Oooh, it's definitely better to stick with conservative measures to treat illnesses rather than surgery first anyday! My brother's GF has the same problem with her periods & anemia. Hopefully the pills will help you again! Good attitude about work! In this ever changing world, it's so nice to have a constant - the Lord who never changes! :)

I got to spend some time at the shelter again this morning. It's fun but also heartbreaking to see all these animals without homes. After I got back I walked the dog and we actually just got back from the park. I'm going to eat some lunch and then do my workout. The weather is beautiful again today!!!

Speaking of workouts, for the past week or so my right knee has really been bothering me (my shoulder is better), but last night the pain was the worst! I know all of these repetitive lunges/squats/plie squats day after day are really getting to my knees. I'm not sure if walking is playing a part too. I'm so bummed because I really love this program!! I'm thinking for the rest of this week I am going to do traditional (non weight bearing) floor work in place of the lunges and squats and see if I can get back into things next week. It just stinks because all those lunges/squats really get your heart rate up and if I am on the floor, I won't get the cardio effect. Ah well, I don't want to damage my knee! :(

I hope everyone can enjoy a bit of the wonderful weather today (if you're in the Northeast, LOL) Hellos and blessings to all who follow!
Possible job prospect on Monday in the other city. HE looked out for me today too and HE got my praise for it. I should be reading right now but will soon.
Hello Ladies,

Well I survived another day at the office. Some days are soo tough. I feel like I have to stay in prayer even while I'm working, to protect myself. Some days are really trying.

Christine, be careful with your knees. I tend to have problems with mine too anytime I do a workout repetively. I'm glad to hear you got to volunteer at the shelter again today, but I realize it must be hard not to feel bad for the poor animals :( The book you just told me about sounds really good. I just bought a new book yesterday by Mary K. Baxter - "A Devine Revelation of Spiritual Warfare". I love reading these type books. I have read several of her books. "A Devine Revelation of Hell". (That was one scary book). I should read it again. "A Devine Revelation of Heaven" and another one, which I can't remember the name of at the moment, but all of her books are very good. She is a very annointed woman. I'm looking forward to reading this new book, but am finishing up another book I started.

Jennifer, glad to hear you sounding soo upbeat :) I need more of that in my life, that's for sure :)

Today's STS workout was to be Plyo Legs, but instead I did the Squat Rack legs. It was intense, but much easier to handle than Plyo Legs, which really gets me, because of the cardio effect.

Have a great night and I'll chat with you guys again tomorrow :)
Hello Ladies,
Your workouts sound great!!! Tonight, I might go for a walk after paying bills. I made a mistake in my checkbook by adding back funds I thought I had from being held back earlier. Life goes on!! Two-3 day weekends coming up-Praise GOD!!
Have a Blessed Day!!

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? ...I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:35, 38-39)

Hellos ladies!

Iris, how are your legs today?? Sounds like you got a good workout in! The name alone "Squat Rack Legs" just scares me, LOL. I remember you talking about those books you've read, they sound very interesting. I am really liking the one I mentioned too, I'm trying to read one chapter per day. How is work going today?

Jennifer, I hope you get a chance to go for that walk tonight!

Today is a rest day for me. I'm supposed to do SI6, but I am so physically & mentally tired, I need a break. It's been raining here all day so no walk either, which is good because now I can rest completely! I did do one segment of Stretchmax, which felt great! I've been watching these cute little ducklings walking around our yard with their momma and poppa, it's so cute! I love living in the country! :D

Hellos and blessings to all! :)
Hi Christine & Jennifer,

Christine thanks for the bible scripture. I had such a tough day at work today. I feel soo mentally drained. Dealing with many changes and all kinds of new rules. I see it as the company's way of making as many of us as miserable as possible so some of us will quit on our own. I am in such a bad position. I can't afford to quit, and at the same time I am soo stressed out that it is making me physically sick. Please pray for the lord to help me get through this. I am not good with stress, and now that we're under a microscope, it's going to make it harder for me not to make mistakes. I feel really overwhelmed today.

Also my FIL was supposed to find out today if a biopsy he had to have done came back malignant. They haven't called us today, which gives me a bad feeling about the diagnosis. I think if the news was good, they would have called to tell us. My Husband is working late tonight, so he hasn't been able to call them yet.

So, although I was super stressed today, I felt like I had to go to the gym and release some of my stress. My daughter came along and worked the cardio machines while I took the kickboxing class. It was ok, but I couldn't get through the whole class. I just felt too anxious. I ended up leaving right before the ab work.

Have a great night ladies. I didn't expect to get on here today, I was feeling soo overwhelmed, but I guess I come here to share my burdens. It helps to share our burdens with others.
Hello Ladies.
Iris, your job is not worth all the stress and all the anxiety that they are putting you through. I believe you can do better. Last night, I posted for a position in a non-prof healthcare facility that provideds for the uninsured and I am confident about it now. This weekend, surf Monster, Careerbuilder, Indeed, etc.. for something better.
Christine. Hope you have a Blessed Day!
Hello to the rest of the group as well.


Happy Friday Ladies.

Thanks for the advise Jen. I plan to do a little research this weekend. It's soo hard for me. I've been with the same company for 21 years now. I've seen the company go through some tough times, including mergers, before my boss bought out the company again. Now, it's just gotten to the point where they expect soo much from us. I work in commercial insurance and we are all licensed, but I work in the Customer service area. Lately, the account execs. I work for have become monsters who expect us to do everything for them and then some. All while they are making the big bucks. Everyone seems to be on pins and needles with the economy the way it is, and they treat you like only the strong will survive. My son told me something that warmed my heart. It was simply, just keep praying, but coming from a 19 year old who I worry about soo much, it really was music to my ears.

Christine, I hope you are doing ok. How are your knees feeling.

I did the last disc of Week 3 Meso 3. I am happy with the strength gains I have made. I wanted to do ab work also, but had no time. I had to go register my daughter for Soccer, and had to also take her to the craft store. She's soo cute, trying to chear me up :)

Have a great weekend ladies :)
I have been at my current employer for over 20 years and I have no question about moving on, IMO, my workplace is like a relationship gone bad where both parties have different values and morals,which I accepted CHRIST as my personal savior ten years ago which spurred it on quicker.
My dream is staying alive because HE is blessing my hard work and sweat to reach the goal HE has for me.
Keep the Faith and Stay positive!!

Hello ladies!
Just a quick note to say sorry I haven't been around, our internet connection went down on Thursday night and we just got it fixed. The weekend is busy though so I will be back later for personals. You're both in my prayers! (Jennifer, great advice to Iris about her work situation!) Iris, hang in there!

Hellos and blessings to all who follow :)


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