Alpha Omega Check In (1/26/09)

Good morning all!

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you" (Ps 32:8)

I love this scripture (okay, which one don't I love?? :)) because it is a good reminder that God IS very personally interested in our lives! He's not just some distant God that watches us from afar, His hand is in it all, personally! We're not left to "wander in the desert", we have His counsel!

Iris- Thanks for sharing a portion of your Pastor's sermon. Those things can certainly keep us in bondage! How was dinner with your family for your DD's birthday? I hope you had a nice time and relaxing OFF day!

Karen- I love the scripture from Phil 4:6, there is nothing quite like that supernatural peace God gives us when we bring Him our worries in prayer!

I can relate to your struggles with anxiety because I also suffered from it terribly when I was younger. I would have paralyizing panic attacks, it was awful. When I became saved, I found freedom from it, but I do still struggle with it from time to time. I've found recently that replacing God's truth with the lies that make me anxious, are EXCELLENT weapons against this stronghold! I pay attention to the thoughts that make me anxious and then find all scriptural versus that are the complete opposite of that thought, and meditate on those Truths. Then, in the future when an anxious though pops in my head, I can take it captive to Christ and refute it with the Truth!

Penguin - I eat about 5 meals per day too. I prefer that to 3 meals with snacks. It's better for my low blood sugar too. Actually, the more frequently you eat (by smaller spaced meals) the higher your metabolism will be!

Yesterday I only did 30 Day Shred. I was sore and tired, so that was enough for me! I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised at how sore this workout actually makes me. It's a tough 20 minutes! Today I plan on Shred again, plus 4DS LIS.

Have a blessed day!
Okay where to start!

Iris - Great to hear that DH went to church with you! And great deal on the gym membership!

- You are not failing anybody. You are human. I am currently heavier than I have been in 21 years, not counting when I was pregnant.:p I have no idea what got in to me and I continue to struggle to get the weight off. I just keep praying to God for the strength to fight my emotional eating, because I cannot do it alone. None of us really can, if we could there wouldn't be so many books on how to lose weight!:p

- The verse you quoted on Saturday "He will make your path straight" I lead the children in singing on Sunday morning and we sing that verse in a song!

Hello, to everyone else!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for DD! The crazy day got crazier. At midnight on Friday I hear DD crying in her room, I go up to find she has thrown up in bed. Clean up DD, then work on bed, but find damage is more extensive than new sheets. Move DD & DS to his room, go back to cleaning. Hear DD cry again..she has gotten sick again, but this time contained to just her pillow. Okay two pillows down. So I decide to not risk putting her back in the bed, because what would I do with DS, so get her sleeping bag and a blanket in a pillow case for a pillow. Finish cleaning up. Then Back to bed little after 1 am. 3 am hear DD crying and yelling for me, sick again, but not much left. Clean her up again, bedding okay. Move DD and sleeping bag to floor in my room. 5 am up and crying again and sick. Both of us back to bed. Me up at 6 am to workout and start preparing for party having no idea how I am going to pull it off with DD being sick. But DH had decorated and set up the church the night before so no way to really back out of it. DD woke up at 8 am. At first was doing okay, then sick one last time. B ut then she was tired and still not herself. Went to swim lesson for DS, but kept DD out of pool and I went off to my massage. Mad dash back for party. Forgot to bring DH's food, he had to run back home. During party DD wouldn't eat, who could blame her. Then she says she doen't feel well, head hurts and starts running a fever. By the end she was crashed in my arms. During the nap the fever broke. She slept for about and hour. Since the fever broke we decided to attempt the skating, and she was fine and had a blast.:)

Okay now the massage! Really like the massage therapist and he thinks that my condition is reversible. :) He did a posteral assessment and I am twisted. He did a lot of work on my neck and arms, says he will address my unaligned hips after my hands improve. He also gave me a couple of massage techniques and a stretch for my forearms to help open them up. If I notice any improvement it seems that my right hand is doing better, which was the worse one. But the left is still going numb, but I wear a brace in the right at night but not on the left, so I bought another brace this morning to see if that helps the left. I see the therapist on Friday night agian.

Now on to the workout. Mentally I was totally unprepared to start another four weeks of TT, so I opted for Providence. Let's just say it's tough to be humbled. Some of those exercises are killer! I did a jack & jab/plyo combo during the rest except for after the Hi-Pull into Squat, that just left me too winded and used my 20KB for everything. Twice I wanted a lighter one and a few times I wanted a heavier one. Think I stick with the 20lb and work up to it and just try and add a heavier one. Will be interested to see how sore I get. Finished with Tamilee's Sitting Stretch. Workout was 1:05 and I burned 555 calories.
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Pretty quiet here today, so far.

Christine, you really have a gift for teaching. Everything you said was right on point. My husband can't understand how I let myself be tormented with anxiety and depression, because he has such a different outlook on things. He never worries about tomorrow. I worry about everything and everybody. I have days where I'm fine, and then something will trigger a panic attack, and they come with a vengeance. I am learning what works to calm me down. I've just started bringing my christian music to work, and I listen to uplifting music while I work, and it really makes my day much brighter. I know god's plan for us is for us to have peace and not for us to be bound in anxiety and depression, so I'm pressing on :)

30 Day Shred is deceaving isn't it? You think, how tough can a 20 minute workout be, but it gives you everything in 20 minutes. Weights, Cardio & Abs. My favorite are W/O 1 & 2. I missed that W/O 3 didn't have much weight work in it.

Linda, sounds like your DD had you pretty busy. I remember those days as if they were yesterday. Staying up with a sick child. I was always very bad at dealing with the clean-up too. My DH usually had to handle the cleaning. I did the cuddling and medicine dispencing, lol.

I'm glad to hear you seem to be getting some relief from the therapist and hope you continue to feel better. What causes the numbing? Is it carpal tunnel?

No workout for me today. I decided to take an extra rest day. I've been seeing signs of over-training, and don't want to risk an injury. I am going to just see what classes are like at the gym for the rest of the week, and will limit my workouts to what I do at the gym. No weight-lifting at work. At least for this week. Next week I will have to figure out a rotation.

Hello's to Becca, Karen, Heather and Penguin. Have a great night.
Hi everyone,

Today was a 5 mile run and that was it. No time for anything else. Tomorrow will be something step then Gym Style Chest and Triceps.

Linda, glad your therapy went well. Sounds like good news for you and the pain you are in. Let's just pray this takes care of it and allows you the freedom to exercise with no worries. Keep us posted. :)

Christine, my husband and I just finished The Truth Project by Focus on the Family. It's an amazing 12 week class and "tour" through the biblical perspective of the worldview. If you have a chance, check out the website. It's an absolute awesome study and a real eye-opener. It really forces you to think about what God intended for us in the real world. Not at all what we are experiencing today in MANY aspects. And we as Christians have been sucked into the lie and we don't even know it. Worth a look.

Well, I'm off to watch some tv then to bed. We are expecting some bad weather with ice and snow, so let' hope I can make it down my long driveway without running into the ditch. Fat chance they will close the bank I work at. :( So, I better be up early to survey the situation and give myself time to get there.

Goodnight ladies and take good care,
Oh my heavens! I am so excited that STS is shipping! I haven't received my shipping notification yet, but DH ordered it in Dec for me, so I'm sure I will be later in the week. I can't wait!!!:D

Today's WO was 4DS KB, yesterday I did 4DS HIS, weights only and a interval run. I am enjoying the heavy weights of 4DS. It's bringing my out of my exercise funk. :)

Karen, I will have to check out that Truth Project. That sounds very interesting. I love Focus on the Family. What a great resource and a blessing to those of us trying to live in God's Will.

Iris, I,too, suffered from depression for a loooong time. Christine described some good ways to let God deal with it. I found sharing my story with my Sisters in Christ (who I knew would pray for me) helped me tremendously. God also use a hysterectomy to heal me from my depression. I still have occasional bouts with it (esp. this time of year) but I am amazed at how my mental issues have changed since I had my hyst last fall. You just never know what God is going to use to heal you! BTW, so glad to hear DH went to church with you and that the message spoke so profoundly to you. :)

Penguin, that Flat Belly Diet sounds like it is helping you make some progress. That's awesome!

Linda, so sorry to hear about DD's illness. It sounds like she was a real trooper, though. Bless her little heart! Providence is a lot tougher than it looks. I always start that skipping though the breaks, but by the end I am Praising the Lord for those breaks! :)

Christine, sounds like Shred is working out well for you! Love the Scripture. Isn't God a great Teacher?!?!? Thank you for sharing your testimony about anxiety. That is awesome!

Hello to Heather, Lynn and anyone else who stops by. Have a blessed day!
Alpha Omega Check-in


This was a cold and rainy Monday, but I received happy news and a splash of sunshine from Cathe. STS is on the way to Texas! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! I am doing the happy dance tonight! I went to Jason’s Deli on the way home and celebrated with a huge salad. I wanted to go to my Zumba class, but I decided to play it safe and rest at home tonight instead of staying out late. It took me longer than usual to get home in the dense fog. An ice storm is on the way, and I am not looking forward to driving tomorrow. This Southern girl does not walk or drive on ice! Please pray for safe travel tomorrow. I hope the UPS guy can ice skate! LOL! I feel like a little girl on Christmas Eve watching the STS radar! It took 3 hours for my package to get from Cathe’s club to Philadelphia.

Christine, do you watch Jillian on The Biggest Loser? Is her personality similar in her workouts? I am an intuitive eater and discovered that 3 moderate meals and an afternoon snack is what blesses my body and satisfies me. I do not have any blood sugar issues, and eating every few hours kept me focused on food. I love Lower Intensity Step. The warm-up makes me smile!

Linda, I pray that you daughter feels better and you get some rest!

Iris, I believe Beth has prayers for overcoming anxiety and depression in Praying God’s Word. Listening to praise music helps me greatly. Worship is warfare! I discovered last month that MSG was causing feelings of anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Never underestimate the power of nutrition! I also battle SAD, and I praise God for my light box. I start light therapy when the days get shorter in the fall and on rainy days. I pray that God will reveal the source of your struggle and set you free! Cast your cares on Him!

Karen, I will pray for you in the morning. Please be careful on those icy roads!

Becca, Cathe and her staff have fast fingers! I did not order the first hour and was surprised to receive a shipping notice today. I only expected them to get a few orders out the first day. When are you planning to start? Are you going for 3 months, 5 months, or 6 months? I like the 5-month rotation that Cathe shared!

Penguin, hang in there! God will never fail you, and that is what you need to remember! We can do all things through Christ! I am learning to trust Him to teach me how, when, and what to eat for His glory. My Creator knows what I need!

Sweet dreams! Have a blessed week. Stay safe and warm and drive carefully and prayerfully.

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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