Almost Started Crying Doing Cathe


OK, I just have to know if this has happended to any of you before. Yesterday I was doing Circuit Max and I had just finished the warm up. I turned the volume up very loud and started getting really pumped for the workout and then all of a sudden I was overcome with emotion and almost started crying!!!!!!! Has this ever happended to any of you? This is not the first time this has happened.

Yes, when in the throes of PMS and I feel like total sh*t, I feel so terrrible I am capable of bursting into tears at my frustration of not being able to complete Imax 2. So I have learned to avoid tough workouts like Imax 2 and Circuit max at such times. Why set yourself up for failure? Instead I attempt something slightly easier that i know I can accompish and then I feel good after I finish and not a total failure. try it!

Yeah, it is depression or hormones....

I do this, but it takes more than Cathe to make me cry...more like a sad song.....

Yes, sometimes I'm just overwhelmed with a feeling of . . . gratitude, I think. I'm just so thankful to be where I am today in terms of fitness as compared to what I was before, which was dying slowly. Sometimes, I just feel filled to overflowing, and it usually erupts as tears (or near-tears).

It's happened to me a lot. Many times I feel ovewhelmed with gratitude for my health and being able to move. It happens when i run too. I'm grateful to have found home videos. I started working out with weights almost six years ago. I've never reached my goal but this year i think I'm going to make it.

I'll never forget hearing the story about a successful athlete struck down in his thirties with a terrible, fatal cancer. He mentioned how much he missed being able to be physical and play football.

I always remember him and try to be grateful and take good care of this body I have. You only get one.

Glad I'm not the only softie

It happened to me once during MIC. I was getting so frustrated when my body wasn't cooperating..I had to give up and move on to another workout.
I do the crying thing occasionally when I run or do a tough workout, like Cathe's. I was always told that yoga would do that---sort of purge you of repressed emotional 'stuff'. But it never has. It seems like the HARD workouts are the ones that do it for me. I'm not upset over having a rough time with the workout, or not being able to make it fact, at times like that, I have a tendency to crumple to the floor laughing! :D It's just the heart-pumping, sweaty, grinding workouts that bring me to tears. And I think, as someone said--gratitude enters into it majorly. As someone who's almost 50, you can bet I'M grateful that I can still do this physical work! :+
I love the perspective shared here that it comes from a place of gratitude. Recently I was practicing some choreography for a yoga/tai chi class that involved big 'figures of 8' with the arms leading and the torso following as a twist and 'wham' right out of nowhere I got a rush through my body and the tears came. It was surprising but very cathartic and afterwards I felt spent but lighter.
Unexpected emotional releases sneak up on me from time to time, unfortunately it seems more apt to occur at the grocery store than in the privacy of my own home where I can indulge it for a bit and then let it go.
These releases are healthy and at times necessary. I think of them as a pressure release. If they occur in a situation where I can let it out, I'll let it out. If it's not appropriate I stifle it and keep going. IMHO it's best to spend it when you can as in my experience depression is much more likely to creep into my life when feelings are habitually turned inward and not expressed.

Take Care
Thanks Laurie. I think your post touched on it exactly. I just get so pumped up and excited that I feel like crying. And Cab, to you, I too feel like crying after a really good run.

I also start crying when I read greeting cards!

Madonna---you must be like my sister. She cries over 'reach out and touch someone' kind of commercials, and such. She makes me look like a ROCK. ;-)

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