All-time favorite step aerobic DVD's

After a "vacation" from working out, I pulled out IMAX 2 and instantly remembered how much fun this workout really is. It's an "oldie but a goodie." Also, Low Max, while a bit redundant, is a great leg workout. These two are probably my absolute all-around favorite Cathe workouts.

So, while I was checking out other websites, I noticed that Amy Bento has a new Advanced Step Challenge 2. I previewed the video and the choreography looks complex, but the music really rocked! I'm seriously considering adding this to my collection. Has anyone purchased this yet? I'm relatively new to her as I only have Kickbox Xtreme.

i havent done any of her step but ilove her high/lo. i would also like to know if her step dvd is worth buying

I just did imax 2 Fri... it's definitely one of my favorites, maybe even my favorite cathe cardio... the music, the moves, it all comes together perfectly. Haven't tried Bento's ASC2. I only have her bootcamp one, which is okay, but too much downtime inbetween moves IMO.

I have ASC2 and it is a great workout. It is steady state step but it really gets your heart pumping. Amy does have a preview section to help you learn the complex moves. I had a harder time learning Cathe's 4DS HIS than Amy's ASC 2.


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