<--all the lights are changing green to red...

<--Pops into thread to say hello to everyone!
<--Is in a much better mood today
<--Ordered some big undies and raincoats for the boys and <-- just a few minutes ago.
<--Is hoping a boys' size XL can fit <-- because the raincoats for kiddos are much cheaper than those for adults. Plus, I wanted a bright yellow one. :)
<--Hates umbrellas
<--Was so sorry to hear about Robin's friend.
<--Sends hugs
<--Is completely befuddled by Liann's stupid neighbor.
<--Wonders what the dumb a** wants to do with his triangle in her yard?
<--Thinks that Liann should buy the tackiest lawn ornaments and perhaps tree to plant on her triangle in his yard. Can you say, "Pink flamingos"?
<--Knows that would just make the situation worse, but wouldn't it be fun? Maybe you could add a sign that says "Dumb a** lives here". :)
<--Thinks that if it gets too out of hand, it may make a great newspaper feature.
<--Used to love writing about that kind of thing when <--was a reporter.
<--Hopes Catherine is having a better day
<--Hopes Phyllis has a wonderful trip
<--Waves to Ronne across the pond
<--Waves to Amelia, Shelley, Doodles, Ame, Beavs and Evily
<--Wonders how Evily is doing without caffeine?
<--Is looking forward to this rainy day inside today.
<--Must get caught up on laundry
<--Wonders how a family of four can produce SO MUCH dirty laundry. Ugh.
<--Hopes everyone has a great day!

<--Forgot to wave to Lorie and Connie!
<---thinks Beavs new outfit is VERY snazzy indeed!
<---envies people who can wear spiky heeled shoes
<---is LOL at Ronne noticing <---'s accidental poetry ;)
<---is a poet
<---doesn't know it
<---is glad Stephanie ordered some comfy undies
<---tells Stephanie that <--- is doing okay with the caffeine... isn't completely off it yet, but is having less
<---has decided to wait until after the RT before TTC anyway, so <--- is not too concerned with it right now anyway
<---decided <--- wants to have FUN on the RT and NOT possibly have morning sickness and fatigue :)
<---loves Steph's idea about putting all sorts of lawn ornaments in Liann's section of dumbass's yard :7
<---tells Ronne that Evily's words only rhyme if you have a British accent
<---assures Phyllis that <--won't get any Power Bar crumbs or coffee stains on her clothes
<---is LOL at Evily's $&*#(^ stairs
<---asks "Who put the $&*@#(^ workout room in the basement?"
<---can hardly wait to see the Naughty Librarian on YouTube
<---wonders if there is a YouTube category for Bad Bacteriologists
<---couldn't think of an "M" word for Microbiologist
<---is also LOL at all the suggestions for Liann's neighbor
<---thinks the triangle property debacle may have been the developers way of getting neighbors to be close friends - HA!
<---asks the OAL to send strong Township Meeting vibes to <---
<---says she and DH are officially on the agenda for Monday night to discuss the yard situation
<---adds that the Township claims to own quite a bit of both of her and her neighbor’s front yards and this may absolve the aforementioned neighbor's claim
<---says to keep your fingers crossed
<--- is pretty sure Robin hasn't lost her mojo
<--- thinks she probably just left it in her other lab coat ;)
<--- is sending meeting vibes to Liann and her DH
<--- wonders how many more threads will get started about Cathe's appearance in Fitness mag
<--- just wanted to pop in and tell Shelley that Cathe is in the new issue of Fitness mag. Thought you might not know! :7
<---asks if someone said Cathe is in the new issue of Fitness?
<---tells Shelley <--checked my other lab coat and thinks someone may have taken my mojo
<---bets it's in SWMNBM's pocket
<---wonders if y'all have heard that Cathe is in the new Fitness Mag???
<---thinks it is completely BRAND NEW INFORMATION!!! :p
<---tells Robin to go find SWMNBN and steal her mojo back through whatever means necessary - kicking, punching, cunning trickery, etc
<---is sending happy Township vibes to Liann
<---is going to stop on her way home from work
<---just heard the Cathe is in the latest issue of Fitness!!!
<---thinks she got into the wrong pocket and stole some of SWMNBM's biatchness instead of my own mojo
<---is about organized out...
<---just finished her bedroom closet and all of her drawers
<---now has a pile of clothes with no place to put it
<---has over 2 baskets full of clothes to get rid of - lots of size 10 and 12 stuff that she hasn't needed since discovering Cathe
<---cannot believe some of the clothes she used to wear
<---is lol at all the magazine posts
<---thinks you guys are a hoot
<---tells Robin to bop SWMNBN on the head and take her MOJO back!
<---is off to search "Naughty Librarian" on Youtube ;)

<---pops back in to ask if any of you ladies have heard of the group "Alter Bridge" (it's kind of a hard group, but NO screaming)
<---is listening to them while organizing and is in love with this group now
<---was almost brought to tears by their song "One by One"
<---says here's the lyrics, thinks they are so pertinent to what's going on right now:

One By One

Underneath the desert sun
They bid my brother's blood to run
Many miles away
Hell has come today

Fire raining from the sky
See the face of fear asking one last time
Let me get home safe
Before it's too late

One by one
The brave will fall
Life is lost again
They gave it all

Deep within the castle walls
So many grieve as funeral songs
Echo endlessly
Ode to memories

This sacrifice of flesh and blood
For a promised land that may not be won
Let us not forget the hero laid to rest

Repeat Chorus

And they gave it all
A price we can't ignore
Is there hope in what they're dying for?
Fore every hero born
From every family torn
We will honor forevermore
<-- is LOL over youse and the New Fitness Magazine Article
<-- wonders who's in it
<-- is back to work after a little lunch
<-- would rather not be back to work after a big lunch but whatever
<---pops in to wave hi
<---LHAO at all the Fitness Magazine comments
<---is sending Liann good town hall meeting vibes
<---had a crazy day subbing as was "floating" covering teachers for meetings and somehow did not get lunch because the schedule was screwed up
<---apologizes for lack of personals due to food deprived coma
<---is off to eat and then on to shortening all <---pants so <---can wear flats and not *&$*@^$heels
<---hopes to bbl
Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
<--reminds Beth to check out the latest issue of Fitness for the article on Cathe while chowing down
<--really needs to get a life !@@#!@# ;-)

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