All Step


New Member
Hi all! How would you guys rate the difficulty of the choreo on All Step compared to Rythmic Step? I've mastered All Step and was wondering if Rythmic Step is a lot more challenging.TIA

I would say that Rhythmic will probably take longer as it is I find dancier than All Step but the combos feel shorter than other of Cathe's workout but that might be because of the challenge at the end.

I would recommend watching the RC and then attempting it as quickly as you can after while the moves are still fresh.

RC is really challenge there is a post on the forum over the last week or two on this have a look for it. Its called Rhthymic Challenge.

I did RC for 4 weeks about 3 - 4 times aweek to learn it my favourite move is knee, kick, knee, kick three knees around repeater down. I just love that it makes me feel like I am flying.

Babs :-jumpy
Definitely RS!

Sorry but I'm not sure which is the All Step you're talking about.... But RS tape is definitely fun and challenging to do. I find the squats+pendulum, squats+cha-cha combo in the 3rd part is a tough one but makes me feel so good when I survive that part. I strongly recommend RS!
Rythmic step challenging?

*Hell Yeah*! Hey Sherry! RS Is more dancy!Let me tell you firstly that I have every tape that Cathe put out and when I received this and popped it in I was like Oh no way!I can't keep up with this and I gave up and took it out of the vcr and popped in Circuit Max(luv it)!I didn't want to lose my momentum rewinding and just thought it was too advanced for me! Well did I miss out!I'm now doing this with Deborah(gettingfit and DebbieH has joined in on the fun too)We all decided to conquer it!It Does get better as you go along and you can break it up like Deborah does and still get full cardio in or just stumble through it like I did! I must tell you Cathe makes it DOABLE! I go through it entirely now and it's been 5 times strong (coming from a non stepper til I hooked up with cathe over 2yrs ago!)The fun factor on this is incredible--like cathe says if you got it the first time around you'd be bored right?Well I was frustrated at first and now I can't get enough--you know how addicting Cathe is! There should be a thread for people just for RS---dust it off -pop it in and let the fun begin!Sometimes we all need a lil push! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: Rythmic step challenging?

Thanks all! Just got a DVD player last weekend. Guess I'm going to HAVE to get RS!!!! I think it's the only Cathe I don't have.:-jumpy
RE: Rythmic step challenging?

RS is just excellent for really working me out and it's FUN. It's like dancing. I find myself just looking forward to it. It took me about 4 times thru before I felt like it could really do it...but it's worth it. It's definitely one of my top 3 workouts of all time. Never hurts that I am soaked when I finish.

RE: Rythmic step challenging?

I have to jump in here as well singing the praises of RS. I love this one from Cathe. It is dancier than any I've done of hers. I love those squat pendulums and chas chas, too. My legs are fried after all those. I love the 6 count mambo on the step leading up to the knee, kick repeater. After the whole thing is put together then comes the challenge. I get my second wind here and hate when it ends. This one is worth the effort to master, IMO.
RE: Rythmic step challenging?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-02 AT 02:22AM (Est)[/font][p]RS is longer that All Step, consequently, more moves to master in RS, but IMO, none are really more difficult to learn than the moves in All Step. If you had the tenacity to work through All Step, you will do fine with RS.

Good luck, have fun, and keep us posted!

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