all step preview


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I logged on to your All Step preview a few
minutes late. Was it about 18 minutes of cardio
before you started with killer shoulders? Also,
did you start right in to it without a long
warm up? Sounds like my kind of video!! Short
and sweet! Thanks in advance for making such
challenging videos!! Now I'm kind of scared to
recieve my videos after seeing this one and
Leaner Legs! Just kidding.
Love Michele
Hi Michele!

Glad your enjoying the previews.

All Step is actually a 6 minute warm up followed by 22 minutes of cardio. The warm ups in all of the 8 new videos are very active and transition right into the workout. As a matter of fact, in all but one of them, there is no break to change into a new sountrack. I prefer it this way because this is actually how I teach a live class and it feels smoother.

If by chance you want a time code breakdown of all of the new videos, you can access this from our home page. Simply click on the video listing of your choice and it will provide this info for you

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