All right, people....


I think we can all agree that there's been enough negativity on the forums these past few days to last quite some time. So let's get positive. How about a good ol' three things... gimme three things that make you smile, make you happy....

1. My beautiful daughter who makes me laugh every day.
2. This board and the friends I've made here, because I can come here every day and find someone to talk to, who will listen if I have problems, give me a shoulder to cry on if I need it and, most importantly, laugh at life with me:)
3. My SO, who is always there, no matter how ridiculous I can be (and believe me, it gets pretty ridiculous sometimes:p)

Okay, your turn.
1. My family, even though one of them is currently sitting on my lap and screaming for no known reason.

2. My Catheland friends, who "get it."

3. All the other things that I'm lumping together here, because three is just not enough - my church, cats, books, workouts, Jimmy Buffett, the beach, mountains, birds, wine, chocolate, traveling etc, etc.
1--My HOME, which includes my loving and wonderful DH and my dogs and cat!

2--That there is so much good music, food, and literature for me to enjoy!

3--That I discovered that exercise truly IS the fountain of youth and that it led me to a happier healthy life and to this forum, with such great GUYS and GALS!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Great idea, Shelley!

1. My DH who also puts up with a ton of crap;)
2. My kitty cat who makes me lol with his constant silliness
3. The wonderful REAL friends I've made here...and
4. The peach pie Robin made today

1.My doggie, who is a really sweetie.
2.My husband, who always tries to make me happy.
3.Chocolate chip cookies, well, because their COOKIES!!

Good thread!!:) :)
1. My family, even though right now all my son can do is vomit.
2. The fact that I can come here and talk and chat with people I consider friends, that I can be myself and always find encouragement, and that I sometimes feel more comfortable here that in real life.
3. That I found Cathe and I am healthier and finally love to exercise

Great Post Shelley. Lets hope we see big numbers!

1. My house--the fact that I'm finally financially independent, could eek into this fabulous place, & all the fun I'm having decorating it
2. Maximus, love of my life!
3. Believe it or not, & I'm so glad to write this, my boss, who has done a complete 180 since our discussions a few weeks ago & is treating me with amazing kindness & consideration--consistently, I might add!

I'm adding a 4th--exercise & all it's brought to my life, including meeting some wonderful, warm hearted, intelligent PEOPLE on this forum. ;-)
1. My puppies and my foster puppy
2. My Cathe friends who are always there to support me
3. DF, my friends, and my family
OK Michele, everyone's invited to my house for peach pie. Especially if you'll take a turn bouncing this crabby baby!
>OK Michele, everyone's invited to my house for peach pie.
>Especially if you'll take a turn bouncing this crabby baby!

Sure, I'll bounce the baby, just...just gimme somadat pie...I gotta have a pieceadat pie!:9 :9 :9
Thanks Shelley, great idea...

1. My amazing DH and children who bring pure joy into my life even on my worst days.

2. Every friend in my life who I have been so honored to know, including the most amazing people on these forums. Coming here every day, being on that RT with so many unique and warm women has added comraderie to my life I never could have imagined.

3. Having my health and working every day to stay fit. If I could bottle the feeling it gives and sell it I would be a millionaire!
Ohhhhh..... I like this thread!

1. My DH, who can make me smile even when I don't want to. Here's a quote from this past weekend, when I was totally exhausted and covered with sweat and grime from working on our remodeling project. "When MG stopped by this afternoon, she smelled like the finest perfume a man can smell on a hot summer and sunscreen." Delivered totally deadpan. First I frowned......then I was LMAO!!
2. My sweet kitty, who doesn't even know what to do with all that cuteness.
3. This board. I'm mostly a lurker, but you all are a great bunch of people!
Shelley - as usually you light us up with your positive energy!

My three things:

* My DD's, and the fact that they're back in school. I LOVE it when they're home. But it's nice when they're back and busy as well.

* My goofy dog Jimmy who always seems to know when I need a hug and will leap (all 45 pounds of him) into my lap and put his paws around my neck and just lean in.

* The incredible ladies (and gents) on this board who are smart, sassy, sweet and funny and oh so beautiful inside and out. You have inspired me, broadened my mind and made me laugh until I almost peed my pants. I love ya all!!
1. Weiner dog kisses
2. Baby snakies and the friends here who understand that!
3. My DH of course! (When he isn't being a pain in the you know what) ;)
Hey Jerry I am with you on the Fall season, with the beautiful color, and hopefully cooler weather, oh and it also brings us college football!!


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