Ain't technology grand?

Shelley, you are so you! Where heck do you plan to lose 10 pounds from? You fit the vague image I had formed of you in my head. All your energy, humor and vitality caught in that pose. But why no weights, girl? I see the devilment in your eyes and it's a perfect pic but for the absence of a lime helmet. Of course, if you had it, you'd have an inordinantly tiny head and I am happy you hve a normal head, but I really liked how it almost seemed Lime Cat was coming up with your material!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
Oh Bobbi, I apologize for shattering your image of the lime-helmeted one typing furiously away at the computer with his little fuzzy white paws.

But believe me, the spirit of Limecat lives inside me.:)
She's 7. Going on 21. In the first picture I think she was about 3 and in the rock star one, she's 6. And thank you. I think so too:)
I take it, she takes after her mother then? Seven going on 21! My son is 7 going on 4. My oldest is 16 and knows everything. That makes her 40 something, right? ;) And my 14 year old could once be described as yours can now. When do they go from precocious to obnoxious? Just kidding. She's my easy breezy girl with the wicked sense of humor.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho

I hate typos!
Shelley- great pics! I also don't know where you are going to lose 10 pounds from! You are in terrific shape! And I can see where the lovely Sophie gets her posing skills from lolol.
Cool, Limecat! Check out those abs! You've inspired me to see about opening up my own picture trail account - now I just need to find me a stellar little alter ego like Limecat....hmmmmmm.......


Wow you look GREAT!!! I love limecat he always makes me smile anytime I look on the message board! Hey I opened a picture trail account (the free one), do u have to pay for the membership to in order to put the pictures in an album for others to view?
OK, I did it so this is a test. The only question is how did Limecat end up in the little picture box on the left-hand side? Do I have to open up a photobucket account as well? And I thought I knew computers....I am humbled.....{slinking away ashamed}...

I think you are so pretty! Love your 'tude girl...and your Sophie looks like a blast to raise! My daughter thinks she's a rock Star too!:)
You and your daughter are beautiful and you shouldn't loose an ounce girl

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Shelley, great pix of you both! If you have 10 pounds to lose, then I have 50 to lose! Great ABS!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Great pix of you too! I can put pix in posts but not sure how to do the box-thing. If you do a search, there were directions on how to do it. Or, maybe LIMECAT can help you!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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