Ahhh, you look so good!


I love it when Cathe says that by the way. Just wanted to post to say I loved the high intensity step. The choreography is super fun, although it did take me a few pause, rewinds, to get combo 3. I kept using the wrong lead leg to shuffle so after the pivot and the jump kick I was ending up on the wrong side, but I got it---yay!

Just wanted to also make some observations...I thought it was so cute/funny when they would zoom into Brenda. She always looked like she was going to break into laughter. I kept watching to see if she would. There has to be a funny story there---yes? Lastly, they all look so cut (muscle-wise and cute in their Broncos outfits). I truly admire the amount of weight that they do on the chest and back, not to mention all of the push-ups. I'm tired now and I cheated and did 1/3 of the weight that they did partly because I'm a wimp and also because I don't have dumb-bells bigger than 10 lbs. I definitely had my knees down although from a previous person's post on pushup tips I have been using the edge of my bathtub to do guy pushups--man, those are hard.

Thanks to Cathe and crew, looking forward to tomorrow--now should I do bootcamp or kickboxing? Oh the choices!

HIS and LIS are starting to grow on me. Yesterday I did the double cardio premix and really liked it. Cathe does ALOT of pushups in this series. I really do push ups alot (I always do 30 as a warm up when weight lifting), but I found myself groaning when she said "ok pushups" in HIS. All the variation. Very tough!
Hey, I have a hard time with pushups. I never really feel it in my chest, which makes me wonder if my form is bad. Do you have any suggestions for making sure form is okay, like any checkpoints that go through as you do them. I've tried gazing out in front of my hands to keep the neck and spine neutral, and I think my butt is down, hand placement varies sometimes closer to the body sometimes not. I don't know, I just really want to improve on my pushups and I too groan when I have to do them.

I can't think of any good form pointers, other than keeping your core engaged. Cathe would be a better person to ask. Post in the Ask Cathe section, I sure she can give you a few. Sorry I couldn't help.
Keli - how far can you go down on pushups? Do an experiment - do a pushup on your knees and go down 'til your chest touches the floor. Do you feel it? I feel it more, the lower I go, and I've actually found that I get more chest work on my knees than I do on my toes.

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