Agave nectar light or dark?


Active Member
I would like to try agave nectar instead of honey or stevia(has a bitter aftertaste to me) but noticed there is a light and dark type of agave available.Can anyone who uses agave tell me how the taste differs between the light and dark and which one they prefer to use in their oatmeal,etc?Thanks for your help
I also use both.
Light tastes more honeylike.
Dark tastes a bit more like honey/maple syrup (some brands have a stronger taste than others).

I had dark on my oatmeal the other day.
Today I had light!

I think for overall usefullness, if you just get one kind, I'd go with light, which has a bit, well, 'lighter' taste.
Thank you Kathryn and Josie.I think I will try the light first based on your comments,but I probably will end up buying the dark sometime down the road as well.Both sound like they taste good!
Thanks again to both of you!
My husband swears by the light. It is the only sweetener he uses. I don't/can't take sweeteners myself, but I have taken a few licks of his agave nectar stash, and I prefer the light to the dark.
I just bought the light for the first time last week and it's quite good. I don't use sweetners very often but will definitely rely on this when I do. This is supposed to be good for diabetics, isn't it? Can you cook with it and use it as you would regular sugar? Thanks.

> Can you cook with it and use it
>as you would regular sugar?

You can use it for cooking, but just like when you substitute a liquid sweetener for a dry sweetener, you'll have to make some changes to the recipe.

According to the site seems to have everything you ever wanted to know--or not--about baking conversions), for every 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, you substitute with 3/8 cup agave nectar and reduce other liquids by 1/3.
Wow Kathryn, thanks! I rarely cook or bake but it's nice to know that there's a resource out there like the link you provided. At least for now, I know about the Agave conversion. I just might have to start baking so I can experiment with it.........well........maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. :p Thanks again!


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