After injury workout


i have not been on her homepage for 3 months because of bicep tendinitus which i still have. my doc says its from over use of muscles. i did cardio kicks or weights every other day and cardio other days-either step(rhythmic step, power max body max,etc),ctx,circuit max,bootcamp,or terminator. plus i sometimes do freight at work(only a few days) and i dance twice a week.

when the tendinitus is finally gone, i need a routine so this will not happen again. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura, when you begin lifting again, you might want to limit yourself to one or two upper and lower body workouts per week. If you are strength training the same muscle every other day, you may not be giving it time to heal and grow. Sometimes less is more! Cardio is different, if you are healthy, you can get away with 6 or 7 workouts per week but strength training too much doesn't increase your strenth, it detracts from it. Myself, I always take at least one full day off from all exercise. I strength train each body part one to two times per week and do flexibility work (yoga) every other day unless I am too busy to fit in.

Ease back into it and go slowly and you be fine but baby that bicep until it's full healed. Good luck!
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi
I wish i was doing your routine 3 months ago! When this is finally over, i will use light weights once a week and gradually increse. I plan on doing an upper body workout or Cardio Kicks(which i'm scared to try again) in the future plus cardio other days. I was supposed to dance at a Halloween party where i get to scream real loud and choke and strangle my teacher but i am still unable to dance.

Thanks a bunch for responding. This will be very helpful to me. At least i get to see my gorgeous,handsom,cute
doctor again!
From my own experience as a personal trainer, most overuse injuries of connective tissues from strength training are due to excessive reps and sets versus lifting too heavy a weight. You do need to choose a weight intensity that will tire the muscle group by the end of the repetition scheme in order to achieve gains in both strength and endurance. However, what you don't want to do is use weights that are so heavy that they enable a death-grip on the dumbbells or barbell, which will stress the connective tissues of the forearms and shoulders. So, keep this in mind when choosing your weight loads; if you feel you need a death grip hold to push or pull a weight, it is probably too heavy.

My advice would be: If you are going to use videos for weight lifting upon starting back (versus training with your own sets and reps), find the challenging weight intensity for the exercises in the video and cut back on sets and reps. Aim for one set of upper body work for 4-6 weeks and increase to 2 as you feel stronger. Even holding a barbell behind your back for leg work will place stress on the connective tissues of the shoulders and forearms, so take frequent breaks to put the weight down, pause the video, perhaps stretch for 15 seconds - and start up again.

Progressive comeback is key, but choosing weights that are too light will only make you want to do more reps and sets to feel the muscles working - and that might be counterproductive to long-term prevention.

Good luck! ;-)

My only worry is kickboxing-upper body. Should i not do it anymore or not continue til after i get my strengh back-4-6 weeks? Also, I wonder if i am doing it right. I love her tapes including kb most of all.

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