
Embarrassed after reading all these messages,that I just started with the Dummies weight tape and am only up to 5 lbs. However, all I want is a pure, gym-tpe, strength training video (VHS) which exercises each body part separately, and repeats it for about 12 reps, 2 or 3 sets. The reason I picked Cathe after watching her video clips -- though I know she is way out of my league -- is I just want someone who discusses the exercise, counts, and does not have all that overly cute, dumb, constant talk or yelps. I also do not want aerobics as I am on my treadmill doing speed intervals, hills, etc. for 30 to 50 minutes almost every morning. Also, I do not want any step work or balls, etc., and don't overly care about the music or surroundings.

If I plan to substitute dumbbells for the bar, and to do only the exercises I can comfortably do to begin with,would I be better off with MIS or Power Hour -- or any other suggestions? (Someone suggested Kathy Smith Lift Weights to Lose Weight, but boy, is she hyper on that!!! Also, the Firm tapes usually have combination moves, which I don't want).

All I know is, Cathe's instruction and her videos seems to be just the gym-type tapes I am looking for. Would really appreciate any advice. Thanks much!!!


:) :)
I suggest Pure Strength (a series of 3; all on one DVD or as 3 VHS tapes). It sounds closest to what you describe.

You would need to sub dumbbells for a barbell. On overhead and chest presses, your hands would move closer to one another. Actually these exercises are done with dumbbells in this series, but not exclusively.

It's an excellent series to grow with. It was my first Cathe strength tape (with Power Hour) and I'm doing a rotation with it right now.

Re: After Dummies -- MIS, PH, Or ?????

Thanks, Connie, you are right, I watched the clip and it does look like it would be perfect --Except!! When I get home from work, I am so tired that if I have to put more than one tape on, I'll never do it. Also, according to the time slot, one is 40 minutes, one is 45 and one 60, so that would take a lot of time and knowing me, in spite of all my good intentions, I will never get to the second or third tape if it's on a different night. Getting to one tape 3x a week is my limit. What would you say is closest to that and your second choice?

Thanks again.

I'd suggest doing a full-body weight workout 2 or 3 times a week. MIS would be good for this.

And don't be embarrassed about only using 5# weights! Everybody has to start somewhere, and I assure you that the folks here who are now lifting much more started where you did. What is important is to make progress and to go at your own pace (pushing yourself a bit, but not trying to keep up with anyone else).
RE: Re: After Dummies -- MIS, PH, Or ?????

Connie will hopefully tell you if the Pure Strength tapes can be done just once a week each-that would give you the three per week. But you only work one body part per week that way. If you want to work all body parts three times a week on one tape, I would suggest MIS-maximum intensity strength. It is one of her older tapes and very basic in the sets and reps and doesn't have any fancy stuff. But it is very effective. Power Hour and Muscle Endurance are loads of fun-BUT- she does very long reps, so you will not get any sets of 12 reps here, more like sets of 36 or longer! MIS seems like the closest to traditional weight training style. Then when you've mastered that, go on to the next set of tapes for variety and fun!
RE: Re: After Dummies -- MIS, PH, Or ?????

Well, each of us is different. However, I think it is enough to push yourself to work each body part one time per week only. That means that you would do only one tape each of 3 days and that's it. You could do 2-3 cardios on your own. In my opinion 2 with one being a walk might suit your present purpose.

There is no reason to strength train more than that unless and until you find something wrong with 1x a week. Concentrating on good form and getting enough rest are both served well with 1xweek. Remember also that your workout cycle does not have to be one week!! It can be 8 days or 10 days. You make the rules and change them to suit your needs!

My second choice would be Body Max, because it has a very nice upper body segment, about half an hour, and a step routine which includes lower body strength training. It's good for when you're not sure how many times you'll work out.

I find that with Pure Strength, each tape (except Legs and Abs perhaps) is short and specific enough that the "dread factor" is quite minimal.

MIS is a very good one but for some reason I don't use it as much as the others.

Power hour is terrific, but more strenuous than Pure Strength. The reps are faster and more plentiful. If I lighten to no weight at all, it still kicks my butt! Use all this info to your advantage. I think you'll eventually want them all so these details will lose their importance.
A compromise

If you have a DVD, get Power Hour+ which includes MIS & BodyMax.

From my experience & with all due respect for Connie's opinion, PS is a huge jump from a basic tape. Both the time commitment and the program itself, which is an exhaustive set of exercises for each body part, demand a lot from an intermediate exerciser.

MIS is an one hour commitment that hits all body parts but it's still a mass building program for many. It's also easy to split into shorter workouts. Nice tempo, plenty of stretching, wonderful coaching from Cathe.

Power Hour is a blast but the quick tempo seems to put many on the floor & leaves them quite sore. I love this workout because I enjoy endurance work (cardio & strength). It's a Bodypump type workout rather than the gym style lifting in Pure Strength & MIS.

BodyMax is an incredible challenge & many of us tend to use it in segments. It's fast paced.

RE: Which tape?

One of the dumbest things (among others) I have ever done is to give away a DVD I got as a present, since it only played tapes and I do not usually rent any, and wasn't into working out with videos at the time. Little did I know how valuable that DVD could be, and am I sorry now!

I am also confused about the frequency of workouts. I always heard from different sources that weight bearing should be done 3x per week with a one-day rest period in between needed, but I notice a lot of Cathe's forum advice seems to be to do the weight tapes only 2x per week. What's your theory on that? (My arms, for instance, flap in the breeze -- and I don't see where 1x or 2x per week would help that, but maybe I'm wrong)

Really do appreciate everyone's advice. Had to laugh though -- since I am new to this,I spent so mnuch time yesterday browsing through the Cathe forums, that I never got to work out!!!

RE: Which tape?

Well, if you are only doing 5 pounds on the dummies tape I would definitely start out at only twice per week with Cathe. Otherwise I don't think your muscles will have anough time to recover from the increased work load you will be doing. When you get used to that you can add a third total body strength workout but I like the recommendation to get the DVD so the third workout can be a different one for variety. The PH/MIS/Body Max DVD would be perfect.
RE: Which tape?

I am really ready to cry!!! As I said in one of my messages, I stupidly gave away the DVD I got as a present. So, as far as VHS, what's your opinion as to which should come first?

Also, if beginner only, isn't it better to really get one tape down pat, before moving on to others, or not?

Thanks to all of you.

RE: Which tape?

I would stick with MIS for your first video and do it twice a week for starters, with 2 days of rest in between. So like on a Tuesday and Friday. I'd recommend using NO weights for the lower body portion the first time so you can see how your legs respond. It does use a Step for some of the exercises, but you can substitute a simple rubbermaid 6-8 inch step if you don't have one. The warmup can be done as floor aerobics using the same moves she does on the step. The upper body work like pec flies can be done on the floor; you don't have to lie on a step. I don't think you would need to buy any additional equipment until you need heavier weights.
RE: Which tape?

Do you mean you gave away the player? Or just a DVD?

I thought that PS was "easier" than MIS. Maybe if MIS is broken up into three workouts it would be easier. I often feel pressured to do the whole tape at once, but you don't have to.

But working the whole body in one day takes a lot out of me. Also, the rep speed is higher in MIS than in PS. PS has longer rests.

Using lighter weights is always the way to go when the workout seems too hard!! Obvious but sometimes forgotten (by me)!

We're all different though. You are right, it is better to get one workout "down" before moving on to new ones. The same old workout, after a while, gives one a craving for a new one, and new ones are always best approached with a craving!

Whichever one you choose, you will be able to modify to your needs and you will not be disappointed.

I learned of Cathe after using "The Firm" tapes for a long time. You might want to try one of those. The first 3 they made were pretty good (a bit dated now, but still good) Volumes 1, 2, and 3.

RE: Which tape?

Hi, Beth and Connie -- Beth, you must be a mind reader. I bought that Rubbermaid step several months ago, and I'm really happy with it. After my treadmill, I use it to do stepups and It has really helped me balance-wise.

Connie -- tO answer your question -- "Ms. Brilliant" here gave away THE PLAYER -- not just a DVD -- to my son and daughter-in-law. -- How's that for brains? At the time I was told my old tv had no outlet for it, but then after I gave it away, I discovered there was a way I could have hooked it up with an external extension!

I'm pirnting out the main suggestions, and am really glad I found this forum. Everyone has been more than helpful and clarified a lot of things for mme.


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