

I'm sure everybody knows about the duck. But my q. is, how many of you have bought Aflac? I just got it and I like it. I haven't filed a claim yet.

I know they offer a temporary disability policy but I don't have it yet. Got the accident and the cancer plans (they pay you if you get your mammo, and if you get your pap you get paid!)

What is your opinion and do you have it, and did you decide not to get it, etc.

I am deciding whether to sell it on the side. I'm a dental hygienist but I really want more time for fitness. Dental hygiene is nice, but I would like to be able to have one more flexible day per week to teach fitness and still make a living...

See, it's on topic! Fitness!
Hi Connie! My husband has Aflac through his work and think its well worth it. They give us a once a year payment of $60.00 towards pap smears and physicals. My son broke his leg in two places about 5 years ago and we ended up getting about $1500.00 altogether. It only costs us $3.00 per week, well worth it. I think we just have the accident plan. Hope this helps!
Hi Connie,

I don't have the coverage but I have the duck. He screams AFLAC when I press his woddle. He just cracks me up but it drives my dog crazy. Sorry, I didn't help but maybe my post will bring this back up for you.


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