aerobic and kickboxing shoes

I always tell people to try on the shoe and hop around and go toe to heel then side to side with shoes and see how they fit. As it really doesn't matter how expensive or cheap they are, but if they fit in your budget and fit you and you will throw them away in 3 months and not try to hold onto them and make them last.

As wear your new shoe for a week of working out and then feel the inside of it check for any hard spots etc, and do this about every two weeks after that, after about 3 months you'll notice a whole lot less padding, when you push down with your fingers, and that is because you have wore the inside out. The outside are still nice and shinny and look brand new, but the insides are what matters most.

From various tests we did at the fitness club, if you workout at least 4 to 5 times a week in a pair of shoes. By the end of the third month they are more or less gone. There were a couple that held out for a 4th month. Nothing ever lasted a 5th. We tested this in a two year period, had various exercisers voluteer so most body weights were cover, all the activies were covered, and from the very cheapest K-mart blue light special to Rebok that was $350, they all lasted about 3 months.

Which is really annoying you pay good money to get top quality shoes and they don't last any longer then the cheap ones. The only difference in the expensive ones is there is more support for the arch and actually holding of the foot. but as far as padding is concern, almost all shoes are created equal.

Do throw away your shoes every 3 months if your an avid exerciser, as it will keep back problems at bay and not appear in the worst time of your life. Or get into the habit of checking the padding and once you flatten it, toss them. As you may get a couple extra weeks out of them that way.


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