Advise please


New Member
Dear Cathe,
I recently bought the All Step program with step. I also have a fit ball.
The step video is much too advanced for me to start on. I have high blood pressure, high cholestrol,and other health problems. My doctor has approved for me to do this.
Should I use the Basic program or would another be best? It has been nine years and 50# since I've done step aerobics.
I must strengthen my abs, lower back and really all over body conditioning. Suggest a fit ball program please.
I'm hoping to be well enough to show others how to improve their health and body, through changes in diet and lifestyle, in the future. First I have to work on me.
Also, the step is very slippery. I noticed the step in my video has something black on it. Can you advise me about what I can apply to the step to keep it from being slippery?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.:)
Hi Jo,
I'm not Cathe but I had to ask did you perhaps buy your step on e bay? I've noticed some people sell theirs after the rubber top has worn off so there is no top to it. When you buy The Step new it has a black rubber piece on top of it. I can see that it would be slippery with out it!!
Hi Shellie,
I appreciate any help and consideration. I am on disability.
I can walk and do many things that others with disabilities aren't able to do.
I have been caring for my ill parents since 1995 and its been downhill ever since for me, healthwise. I only have one parent left, my mother, she is dying of emphesyma. And she still smokes. I do not smoke or drink. Its a depressing site. But I love her and intend to take care of her as long as I'm able.
As for the step, I can't use it until I make it safe. As long as it is slicker than ice, I will not attempt it. I can't afford to break anything. Or be in any worse shape than I am.
I also have a Fit Ball. 65" was the only size Wal-Mart had. It has no exersize dvd with it.
First I want to make my Step safe. Then I want a video to use with my step and the ball. Probably a beginners or basic dvd. Which I most probably will order from Cathe once I know I can use my step.
You see, I weigh 218# am 5'7" and am 34% body fat which is all located in my mid-section, below the breast and above the knees. My pelvic floor is almost non-existant and my lower back and between my sholder blades hurts terribly.
My doctor has approved for me to do this. And if I don't do something soon, I will have to have surgery on my pelvic floor. I've already had one A&P repair, Lord knows I don't want another. Pain doesn't express it.
I have one idea...what if I applied those little sticky bath-tub thingies on the step. I just applied little sticky feet in my tub and thats what gave me the idea. What do you think?
All I know is, I have to do it as soon as possible. I'm very serious about this.
Any advise is appreciated.

Thank You,
[email protected]
God Bless You for caring for disabled people. That is very nice...

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