Advice on DVD selection


Hello all,

I'm new to Cathe and to the forum. I purchased my first Cathe DVD a few weeks ago and I'm already loving it! Now I can finally understand what all the fuss is about! The DVD I own is Low Max and although it took me a couple of times through to get the moves down, I have now learned the entire DVD. I don't have much time to work out in the mornings so I tend to do the #4-#7 Premix most often but I did finish the entire DVD on one morning that I woke up early. I found the step sweep in #3 pretty tricky at first but finally caught on. The rest of the moves came to me quite quickly.

So here's my question. With all that in mind, do you think I would be able to learn the steps in her more difficult DVDs very quickly or would they be frustrating for me? I'm not very graceful so I tend to stick with more simple choreography but I love this DVD so much (I do it all the time) that I really want to get more Cathe workouts. Now I just need to decide which ones. Right now, I'm leaning toward Kick Max next because I like kickboxing and I've read that it's an intense workout with somewhat simple choreography. But I love Low Max so much that I'd really like to get more step DVDs too. Any suggestions and advice?

I also do weight training 3x a week (cardio twice) but I haven't considered Cathe for strength because I don't know if any of her strength Premixes would fit into my tight morning schedule (usually 45-50 minutes MAX is all I can do). Again, any suggestions? Any advice or help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
If you can do Low Max, then I'm sure you could do Step Blast (55 mins.) or Rhythmic Step (60 mins.) Choreographically, I would say these are the most complex. Or you could try Cardio Hits (Step Fit (this one's a bit long at 71 mins., Step Works (60 mins.) and Power Max (60 mins.)) or her Classics (Step Jam, Step Heat and Step Max (these are all 57 - 60 mins. and probably the easiest. Step Blast, Rhythmic Step and Step Works are my favorites. I don't know if you have Fit TV, but Step Blast and Rhythmic Step are on quite frequently so they would only be 45 mins. without commercials.

Cathe's strength premixes would fit into your schedule. They're definitely worth getting.

I would definitely purchase Imax 2/Cardio & Weights next. This is a two-workout dvd, and you can mix and match parts of each for your workout. I love the choreography in Imax 2, and it is pretty simple to pick up, since Cathe repeats each short step segment 6 times before moving on to an intensity blast. Personally, I find Low Max to be harder than Imax 2, maybe because I feel she repeats everything too many times for my taste in Low Max. I never get tired of Imax2. Also, the other routine on that dvd is Cardio and Weights, and I really enjoy doing it. The cardio is great and not too complex, and you can get some weight training in there, too.
The music in both of these workouts keeps me going--I never get bored.
If you don't want to spend the money on the double dvd, try Step, Jump and Pump. It has step aerobics, floor aerobics, and weights. I love the variety, and the choreography isn't too "dancy."
Hope this helps.

ETA: I just remembered that SJP is on the same dvd with StepBlast, so it is a double dvd as well. StepBlast is awesome, too!! All of these workouts are worth the money.

I second the IMAX2 suggestion; if you got the choreography of LM so easily, IMAX2 shouldn't be difficult. It's another interval workout, though; you weren't specific what you were looking for, exactly.

If you're looking for an all-step, steady state cardio workout, Rhythmic Step is really fun, but it is complex. You might find it easier to start with Cardio Hits, where the moves are more broken down.

If you're looking for kickboxing, try Kick, Punch, Crunch before going to Kickmax. KM is fun, but KPC is Cathe at her best!

Good luck!! You can't really go wrong...

Thanks to each of you for your help! I'm so glad I found this site & I know I will enjoy Cathe even more as I continue with her DVDs. I was interested in IMAX2 but also intimidated by the level of choreography as described on Collage. It lists Low Max as moderate & IMAX2 as complex. Even though I caught on to most of the choregraphy fairly well, I found some of the moves to be quite difficult & had to replay several times before figuring them out. So I would probably describe Low Max as high moderate. Anyway, thanks again & I guess my only other question would be about premixes in the recommended DVDs. As I mentioned, I don't have much time to work out in the mornings (& no time in the evenings) so I need DVDs that offer premixes no longer than 45-50 minutes (preferably closer to 45 or less). Do the recommended DVDs have shorter premixes? Also, sorry I was vague in describing what I'm looking for exactly. I really like interval workouts, circuit workouts, intense weight training, & kickboxing.

Thanks again!

Wow, that's awesome! Thank you so much, Karin. This is very helpful & answers all my questions... & yes, special thanks to Wendy too for first putting it all together & posting it. So after all the input & advice, I'm now leaning toward Imax 2 plus Cardio & Weights, KPC plus Legs & Glutes, or Step Jump & Pump plus Step Blast for my next purchase. Since Imax 2 has gotten the most votes, I will most likely get that first but I will definitely get back on & let you all know which one I get when I order it. I'm so glad I got on here & asked because I was originally leaning toward Kick Max, Basic Step & Body Fusion, or Low Impact Step, mostly because I was intimidated by the possible complex choreography or workout length of the others. Thanks again to everyone for all your input & help!

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