advice on cardio rut?


Active Member
i feel i need more cathes for cardio. i have bmax, bc, kpc, imax2, cwts, ctx and cmax, lowmax and kickmax. should i get cardio hits? is powermax full of power 15s and power 7s or ricochets? i hope not. i need a fun, challenging and athletic (not too dancy) cardio workout!

also, is slow and heavy going to make me bulky? did anyone find they slimmed down doing slow and heavy weights?

i'm actually considering adding some christi to my step and hi/lo library! ever since i started with cathe, i've done her exclusively.. cuz face it.. everyone else is too easy after cathe.. but i hear great things about christi's step and especially hi/lo... i've read it's in the same league as cathe!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Hi Ange,

I don't have enough good things to say about Slow and Heavy! I love this series, especially for the upper body. You can really go heavier because the reps are so slow. I did a 3 week rotation and noticed a big difference on definition in the arms. Didn't make them bigger, just more defined. I couldn't tell a difference in the legs, however, probably because I only have dumbbells and they only go up to 30lbs. I can still get a good workout, but I could probably go heavier.

Hope that helps,

Hello fellow cardio lover!!

I would strongly recommend Christi Taylor's Hi/Lo and or step workouts. I completely LOVE HI/Lo Heaven, it is 90 minutes of great fun! I have

Totally Hot cardio
Solid gold cardio
Fantastic Four: HI/lo heaven, Step Heaven, Still steppin and still jumping...These are Incredible!! Here is a link

Enjoy! Check out ebay too, may get a good deal!
i have been thinking about christie's stuff too so i think i will actually go give it a try. and yes, i'm buying slow and heavy. thanks!
Step Blast is really good too. I think this is Cathe's best step workout, imo. Christi Taylor's Still Steppin is excellent and I've grown fond of Solid Gold Step. I'm not very wild about Power Max for some reason. It gets very repetitive and talk about the whooping, there is an overload in this one. I am not bothered in the least by the whooping in her other series, it's minimal compared to PM.
To seriously upkick your intensity with Cathe DVDs, a real must is the Rhythmic Step - I-Max - Max.Intensity Cardio DVD. Rhythmic Step ties me up in a knot choreographically, but MIC and I-Max ("The Original) are still matchless for intensity, I-max especially.


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