Advice for instructing a rude class....

The class is a "Step Fusion" class so I'm very limited in the actual step time I have with them. This is the reason I limit the "resting" between teaching the new moves and adding them to the routine. I end up teaching one move(repeating it 6-8 or more times) and then immediatly combining it with the prior moves. I don't want to waste too much time giving them tons of basics to do before we start from the beginning of the routine. And I want there to be equal time on the right and left leads. I think this is what they hated; no resting every 30 seconds.
I really want to give them the option of challenging themselves and so they are instructed to take breaks as they need to. I'm thinking I'll tone it down and make the routines shorter this time and maybe add a "blast" at the end, optional of course.

Amy, I love the "gang of mean lady bullies"! There were 2 guys there, but they were both very positive and one was AWESOME at step! He was a step MACHINE!
>If they are used to a certain intensity you might want to
>keep it at the usual pace or slightly above. You are there for
>their workout.
>Changing the choreography is something else, you can't be
>expected to learn someone else's choreography in one day.

I agree. It's THEIR class; what's wrong with pleasing them?

They were still rude though.
Yes, you really do need to keep the intensity at the "advertised" level on the class schedule, but the rudeness of people is never acceptable in my eyes. However, don't take the rudeness personally it's their problem not yours, although it doesn't make things easier for you.

Good luck.:)
>>If they are used to a certain intensity you might want to
>>keep it at the usual pace or slightly above. You are there
>>their workout.
>>Changing the choreography is something else, you can't be
>>expected to learn someone else's choreography in one day.
>I agree. It's THEIR class; what's wrong with pleasing them?
>They were still rude though.

Of course it's their class, but it's also the instructor's class too isn't it? I think this is a good general point to keep in mind, but it really doesn't apply to Carolyn that she's not trying to please them and that she's not aware that it's "their" class. Yes, of course I'm biased here but I swear it's true. She tries so hard to please her classes, and just people in general, which is why it's so shocking to me. This is just one of those situations where there are some jerks who bring down the entire class. Which explains why NO ONE else, including the director of the whole program, is willing to sub for it.
I think Carolyn is a brave and kind soul for continuing to sub this class despite what she knows about these people. She's going to have to be toughed skinned about it and not let THEM bring her down. If it were me, I think this would be my last time subbing this particular class. As I said, she's being way too kind subjecting herself to such a class.

Still wishing you good luck, Carolyn.:)

ETA: Just to throw in a little humor here, when I first glanced at this thread title this morning, I read it as "advice for instructing a NUDE class" - boy did I click on it fast!
Thanks Melody, I'll keep my smile on no matter what!
Amy, thanks for watchin' my back!
I'm off to work on a routine!

Thanks Cathe ladies!!

ETA: Melody, could you imagive a rude, NUDE class??? Now THAT would be hilarious!!!

I logged back in just to LOL at your "rude nude" class.:7

ETA Just THINK of the rude people as being nude, that should keep you smiling tonight.}(
Here's where I give YOU advice! I've dealt with the same thing teaching for a fave instructor (he's a friend, too).

I think all you can do is walk in and know YOU ARE ENOUGH. Feel those positive swirls of energy surrounding you, and most importantly be yourself.

You know those participants are really just projecting their own frustrations with their own lives onto you. They create high expectations of their favorite instructor -- and expect that instructor to take away all their stress during that fun class. (Not a bad thing to relieve stress and have fun, but when they won't settle for less, that's when it's THEIR issue, not the instructor's.)

Honestly, I avoid teaching his class if I can. It's just not worth it to me, and when I say YES to sub, I ask that he asks me well in advance so a note can be posted on the door.

Just remember: YOU ARE BRAVE, and half of those folks don't have the angel wings to be vulnerable and teach what they love. So, give yourself a pat on the back, pretend it's YOUR class (b/c it is tonight), and, yeah -- Think of them as NUDE! }(

Best of luck,
Carolyn indicated in her beginning post she was was doing this partly to see how she would be received and partly to help another instructor. She also asked for opinions on what she should do. She did NOT say we had to agree on what she should do, just offer our own opinion. That is what I did. I was not trying to convince anyone to change their opinion,just offering mine.
I would say, "If you aren't advanced enough to handle this routine, you should probably step out of the class."

Then I would turn up the music LOUD and ignore them. Some people are so rude it is unreal!


ETA - no, seriously, I hope you did an announcement before the class and let them know the talking/laughing/obnoxious behavior is unacceptable and if they don't like the format, they should leave.

I am amazed that anyone here thinks it is fine to accept abuse by people just because they have some sense of ownership over this room during this time slot. It is also the class of the people actually trying to get in a workout as well as the instructor, sub or not.
I don't think anyone here expects her to accept abuse. She has the option of not teaching the class. I thought she wanted comments on the intensity and choreography. I still believe she should keep the intensity at the level they are accustomed to.
They sounds like jerks but all that aside are you trying to teach a class that is too advanced for their level?
SOOOO, it's over!! It actually went much better this time. I noticed that 8 people didn't show and I'm pretty sure that those 8 were the trouble makers. The funny part was, I included a move that I know their regular teacher does with them. I figured that would put them a little more at ease. The ONLY complaint I got at the end was that some of them didn't like that particular move. Sometimes, you just can't win I tell you x( !

I had some technical difficulites with the sound equipment and I actually think that helped distract me from the "dread factor". I taught one step routine, offered the class the option of another or some leg work and followed the popular vote. They weren't happy with the difficulty of the leg work, but once again, I gave options so I wouldn't accept any whining!:)

I'd just like to thank you all once again for your sweet, kind words of encouragement. I had all of your words floating in my head as I entered the room and I think it really helped!!!

>They sounds like jerks but all that aside are you trying to
>teach a class that is too advanced for their level?

To answer your question, no, I don't think what I taught was too advanced. I teach one move at a time and add on when I think that everyone's got it. I teach low intensity and high intensity options so essentially, it can be as "advanced" as they want it to be. I also try to keep the class going but advise them to take breaks as needed outside of the water breaks I offer (usually one break every 20-30 minutes).

I really like to let the individual choose how intense they want the workout to be. That way, the advanced and the beginner levels can enjoy a good workout.

YAAAAY Carolyn!!!! I can hear a big collective sigh of relief for you coming from the boards:) So glad that it went well, last time you were ambushed, this time you were ready for whatever the workout brought and it sounds like it was a success! They may not have liked the leg work (gosh they ARE hard to please!) tonight but when their legs are crying at them tomorrow they'll be happy for it. }( Great work Girl!!:D

Take Care
>YAAAAY Carolyn!!!! I can hear a big collective sigh of
>relief for you coming from the boards:) So glad that it
>went well, last time you were ambushed, this time you were
>ready for whatever the workout brought and it sounds like it
>was a success! They may not have liked the leg work (gosh they
>ARE hard to please!) tonight but when their legs are crying at
>them tomorrow they'll be happy for it. }( Great work
>Take Care

AWWW thanks Laurie! It helped know I had the Cathe ladies behind me tonight! :) :) :) :) :)
Carolyn this is so disappointing. I think personally you should stick with your routine you are subbing and this is your style you will find the ones that like your routine will come back and give it 100%. Is this a mixed gym? are they young? Maybe you could ask one of them if they would like to instruct the class they should get certified. Good luck


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