Advice for Cathe Newbie


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-02 AT 01:56PM (Est)[/font][p]I have been working out for the last 14 years with the FIRM, STEP Reebok and now FitPrime. I have been hearing great things about Cathe and have purchased the following tapes:

Cardio Kicks
Leaner Legs
CTX Upper Body
Slow & Heavy Series
Power Hour
Ab Hits
Pure Strength Series (waiting to arrive)
Step Jam (pending sale)
I have also pre-ordered the new Cathe Intensity series

Does anyone have any tips or advice for me? BTW I consider myself a solid intermediate due to a 3 year hiatus for family/health reasons.
Congrats and welcome! Yikes that's a lot of videos! You will not be disappointed trust me! Did you want to focus on strength or endurance? I would start with MIS or PH. I think a total body workout is harder to do than split weights. Once you have a good base of some strength gains, then I'd move onto PS, S&H and the pyrmaids of the Intensity Series. I would suggest doing only what you can at first. Don't get discouraged. It will amaze you how quickly you will build cardiovascular endurance (especially with your years of working out) and how rapidly you will gain muscular strength. Do you like doing cardio and strength on the same day? Sorry for all the questions. You could do this:
Mon. MIS (all of it)
Tue. MIC step portion (or you could try all of MIC if you're brave)
Wed. MIS lowerbody and CTX kickbox
Thu. MIS upperbody
Fri. Step Jam
If you want to do more or less than this, then you can tweak it. You could also start with CTX and do:
Mon. CTX upperbody
Tue. Step Jam
Wed. Leaner Legs
Thu. Cardio Kicks
Fri. CTX upperbody
Sat. Half of MIC or CTX Kickbox or rest
The main thing is to have fun, not do too much at first to avoid burnout and watch as you progress. It is so fun to challenge yourself. Hope this helped. P.S. I have gobs of rotations if you want more!
Hi jillybean,

I am a balanced endomorph which means I need to do more cardio...and I'm not a huge cardio fan. STEP and kickboxing are tolerable so that is what I tend to do.

I try to do 3 days of cardio and then treat myself with 3 days of strength training in between as a reward and then one day of rest. I love strength training so I use it to reward myself after a day of cardio.

Sounds silly, but that is what keeps me motivated. Otherwise I'd do all weights and the time. And that would make for an unbalanced Sammi!

Hi Samanthac I'm new here too!(first post) I've seen you over at Fitprime!
I've done the same as you. I have been working out to the Firm for like ever. I heard such great things about Cathe too. So I've just recently purchased.

Power max
PS series
Power hour
Rythmic step
Body max
MIC (still waiting for this one)
Circuit max
Cardio kicks
I will preorder the new ones soon.

I'm still going through these and haven't done some yet.
I'll sit back now and listen to the tips too!:D
Cathe starter vids

Hi Samantha! Welcome to the gang! You have a fine collection started already! You can do soo much with these! I have a suggestion for a 6 day rotation with the videos you mentioned!
Mon Leaner Legs
Tues Ctx upper body
Wed Cardio Kicks
Thurs Mis Lower with ab hits
Fri Kickbox w Mis upper

Future videos to keep in mind if you want to crank up the intensity would be I max, circuit max--Bodymax(which can be split up in 2 days) I noticed you said that you don't like cardio but need it! Another suggestion for that would be to try cardio guerilla --before or after a weight workout or toning day!
If you are unfamiliar with cardio guerilla it is a 12min intense cardio burst that helps attack even more stubborn abdominal fat!I discovered this exact method from Muscle media back in Oct! Here goes the workout for on the treadmill--it can also be used for~stationary bike~swimming~sprinting~jump rope~etc~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same) sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8 (same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum effort! So wrapping it up you warm up for 4 mins -sprint for 20 secs and then rest for 10 secs and repeat that for 4 mins and then cool down for 4 mins!

14 min version
4 min warm up
30 sec sprint 10 sec recovery
do this 9xs total
4 min cool down (maybe throw in some walking lunges for a 2 min)

Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: Cathe starter vids

Hi there,

I forgot to mention that I also have Body Max. I should also be receiving:

CTX All Step
CTX 10-10-10
Rythmic Step
Power Max

So need less to say I should be set for a while.

Since I have so many FIRM videos, I'd really like to work my Cathe's in with the FIRM. Any suggestions?
Welcome Samantha & Sunnyside

Cathe videos are the best.

I would suggest that you pick two or at most three and use them until you get to know them like 4-6 weeks or so. Then pick 2 or 3 different ones and do the same. This gives you time to really learn the moves; Then when the videos get too, comfortable put them aside and switch.

Pick 1 or 2 cardio videos and one strength/endurance video each time.

This is just my opinion. I hope this helps you. ;)

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)

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