I would like to tone and build some muscle on my upper arms. I enjoy step exercises a lot and am wondering whether I can use 2-3 pound dumbbells during my “advanced and high-impact” step workouts.
Is it safe? Will I add some muscles or will it all be cardio?
I read somewhere that you burn 25% more calories if you add weights to your cardio workout. Is this true?
The only time I see weights used with step is when it’s basic/low impact, is there a reason?
I would like to tone and build some muscle on my upper arms. I enjoy step exercises a lot and am wondering whether I can use 2-3 pound dumbbells during my “advanced and high-impact” step workouts.
Is it safe? Will I add some muscles or will it all be cardio?
I read somewhere that you burn 25% more calories if you add weights to your cardio workout. Is this true?
The only time I see weights used with step is when it’s basic/low impact, is there a reason?