Advanced step workout with weights


New Member

I would like to tone and build some muscle on my upper arms. I enjoy step exercises a lot and am wondering whether I can use 2-3 pound dumbbells during my “advanced and high-impact” step workouts.

Is it safe? Will I add some muscles or will it all be cardio?

I read somewhere that you burn 25% more calories if you add weights to your cardio workout. Is this true?

The only time I see weights used with step is when it’s basic/low impact, is there a reason?
You might consider looking into Cathe's weighted gloves, rather than carrying dumbells during step. or maybe even wearing her weighted vest. I think those would be safer options to holding dumbells while doing step.

You might also check out her kickboxing dvd's for upper body toning. They are a great cardio workout and I've definitely noticed increase muscle tone in my shoulders from them. HTH

I agree, don't think it's safe to be swinging around even 2-3 lb dumbells. Looking into Cathe's weighted gloves would be a better option and more stable. :)

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