Advanced Cardio Workouts?


I have been doing mostly KickMax and KPC for cardio and am looking to add a little more variety. I love kickboxing, but am interested in adding in some hi/lo, perhaps high intensity intervals, as well. Unfortunately, I don't have a big space to work out in and this restricts my abililty to do step workouts.

Do you have any suggestions for advanced cardio workouts that fit the bill? I was thinking maybe of Mindy Mylrea as most of Cathe's other cardio workouts are step and I don't think that will work for me. I would appreciate suggestions.

Have you given thought to MIC (the hi/lo portion is very intense), or some of the high step circuits such as High Step Challenge, High Step Training Advanced, or Boot Camp? The first two do use a high step and one to two risers underneath for some of the cardio segments, but this doesn't take up much room at all. And Boot Camp is all on the floor. All three are pretty intense (HSTA and BC more intense than HSC) and although shorter, can be combined to create longer and pretty intense cardio.
Thanks - I do Bootcamp and HSTA regularly and love them! I traded away High Step Challenge because I found it too easy. I am looking for some new pure cardio though...

Hmm, maybe I should try creating my own full cardio workout by doing the cardio only premixes and maybe the MIC hi-lo. That could be tough.

Thanks again for the suggestion.
Check some of Aquajock's mishmoshes, I'm sure she's got something pretty evil that combines these.
Also, if you do the HSC cardio on an 8 in. step instead of 6 in. then it ups the intensity nicely. As does tacking the HSC cardio on at the end of a mishmosh, such as after BC and HSTA cardio, it will feel MUCH harder then, trust me!

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