Adding HSTA into your rotation


I just did HSTA for the first time and enjoyed it but I'm not sure how to add this into my rotation. I alternate working my upper and lower body every other day. HSTA works the upper body with weights so I'm not sure when to add this in. Yesterday I already did my upper body work and then I just worked it again today with HSTA. I don't think I'd have a problem if I did lower body work one day and this one the next as the weights aren't that heavy for the lower body. Should I just use very light weights for the upper body work or even no weights at all? I really did like the bicep work and would like to use a heavier weight for this series. I really don't know how to make the best use of this workout. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

A couple of suggestions :

If you are on a love-fest with HSTA right now, you might want to use it as your primary resitance workout, doing the workout three times a week, going heavy on upper body, and filling in the rest of the week with cardio, lower body and stretches.

If you want to use HSTA along with other weight workouts, you could do lower body on day 1, cardio day 2, upper body day 3, cardio day 4, HSTA day 5, day 6 cardio and/or lower body, something like that, depending on how many days a week you want to workout.

I think HSTA and workouts like Bootcamp are good for maintenance and getting cut, but not as effective for building, so you might want to take that into account (of course, the closer you are to a 'beginner,' the more these workouts will help you build, IMO).
Kathryn, thanks for your reply. I'm not having a love-fest with it but I did enjoy it. I just don't want to give up a day of working my upper body for this workout. I'll have to check out the pre-mixes. Maybe using them will solve my problem. Thanks again. :)

Either utilize the premixes or, once you're done with your current rotation, bring this one out again. I like to use this one after a 'cardio-only' day, or after a day of doing heavy leg work as this one doesn't use very heavy weights for legs. I like doing this workout as produced because I find the moving from one thing to another very taxing on my muscles (and on my brain!) - I love the variety!! Also, I try to go as heavy as I can with the upper body work on this one so, for me, I wouldn't be able to do this one on a day before or after training my upper body.

Glad you like this workout - it's one of my favorites! In fact, I did it this morning!
Jillybean, I thought I felt the energy of somebody else doing it with me this morning, lol. Thanks for your suggestions. I'm really looking forward to adding this in on a regular (even if it's once every two weeks or so) basis. I'm sure I'll have fun finding which of the premixes will work for me.


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