Adding Body Pump class to rotation


New Member
Hi Cathe! I love your PS series and am currently doing the series 2 times a week. I love the results I am getting, but at the same time I miss my Body Pump class I used to take at the gym I belong to. How can I do both during the week? Could you recommend a rotation for me? Thanks so much - you are the greatest!
Not Cathe but,

she answered a post of mine yesterday with a rotation. Although it was for MIS and the PS Series, you could replace BodyPump fot MIS. here's how she did it . SAT- MIS, TUES- CST, THUR-LEGS&ABS, SAT- BBA,. Anyway, it was just a thought, Cathe will probably have something great in store for you,as this seems to suite me perfectly! Good Luck!!
Hi Jackie!

If you really are loving the results you are getting from a particular rotation, it is best to stick with it as is, or atleast until the results begin to plateau a bit. But if you miss Body Pump and want to add Body Pump into your rotation, I would do the PS Series ONCE per week and as a fourth workout do Body Pump. (Just in case you were wondering about this....I would not recommend doing the PS Series TWICE per week along with one Body Pump because that would be overtraining your muscles). If after a few weeks you find that you are still loving the results, stick with it, if not I would go back to your original rotation and stick with that until your results plateau.

Side Note: Body Pump is a muscular endurance workout(while PS Series is more strength oriented)and therefore, would provide a different variation to your weekly rotation. It would be considered the same type of rotation as someone who prefers to mix a heavy and lower rep workout day with a light and hi rep workout day. No one method is better than another, its just a matter of finding which works best in helping you reach and maintain your goals.

Good Luck!
Thank you!

Thank you for your advice! Since I am getting such great results by doing PS series twice a week in the afternoon, plus 5 days of cardio first thing in the morning, I will stick to this rotation for now and will add Body Pump when I hit a plateau. Thanks again!

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