Adapting for a Hotel Room Workout?


Going to be travelling for 2 weeks for work...has anyone had an experience trying to use bands or some other equipment in lieu of barbells/dumbbells? If so what type of 'travel friendly' gear would you suggest?
I will be able to use my DVD player in my laptop and may even be able to bring a deflated stability ball along, but weights aren't an option.
I just ordered my first cathe dvds (body blast) so i figure i can use the timesaver workouts and try to adapt them.

Any input is greatly appreciated...thank you!!


p.s. my understanding is there is no workout room in the hotel
If I were you, I would do a warm-up for 5 minutes, that is, some step-touches, singles with arms, doubles, turn them into grape vines, reach up with heel taps, and some short preliminary stretches of the major muscles (hams, quads, lats).

Then do a squat sequence, with plies, and the lunge sequence from Power Hour. Then take a few breaths and stretch (no weights necessary) and do a nice thorough push-up sequence.

Make one up and practice it at home before you go.

Some music would be nice but not absolutely necessary, just know your sequence so you don't have to think about it, and don't rush through it.

That ought to put a rose in your cheeks.
As someone who travels a lot, I've picked up a few tips along the way...including weights that *are an option. Check Magellan's (, maybe, but that could be wrong - you might need to google them). They sell dumbbells and ankle weights that you fill with water. Empty, they pack flat and weigh a under a pound.
To Connie's exercises, I'd like to add triceps dips off a chair and those shoulder pushups from Body Blast. If you put your feet or knees on the bed, you can do those upside-down military press/pushup things from PushPull. And of course, you can do abs, planks, etc. The only thing I can't figure out how to work without resistance are biceps and back.
Hi Michelle~I know you said a workout without barbells & dumbbells but if you decide to pick up the inflatable kind (or, possibly use something that weighs 5-8 lbs. here is a vacation workout Cathe posted some time ago that you can do in your hotel room. Have a safe trip.

Fri Feb-28-03 03:21 PM
In response to Reply # 0

Hi Na-Young Anderson! 25 minutes a morning is all you need to maintain enough so that when you come back you will not feel out of the loop. Bring one set of moderate pound dumbbells (5 or 8 pounds)Here is a sample two week vacation workout:


a) Warm Up:
5 minute brisk walk

b) Legs:
Leg Blast:
30 seconds non-weighted squats
30 seconds plyo jacks
30 seconds squats/ with dumbbells in hands
30 seconds front kicks (no dumbells)
30 seconds side kicks (no dumbbells)

Forward lunges (with dumbbells)....3 sets 15 reps (Rt leg 15 / Left leg 15 then do the next set).

Back lunges (with dumbbells).....Same reps/sets as forward lunges.

c) Torso/Arms
Chest: 3 sets of 10 push ups...On last rep of last set hold push up 1/2 way down for 20 seconds.

Back: One arm dumbbell rows (put both weights in one hand) do 3 sets of 15 reps per arm.

Biceps: Concentration curls (put both weights in one arm)do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Triceps: ALTERNATE one set of dips (15 reps) with one set of double arm kickbacks (do as many as you can with that weight and good form). Do three alternating sets.

Shoulders: Seated bent arm side lateral raises (10 reps) right into rear delt flys (as many as you can with that weight and good form). Do three alternating sets.

Abs: traditional crunches for 3 minutes and then flip over and hold a one minute plank



A 25 minute walk/run (this includes 5 minute brisk walk warm up and three minute stretch)

Bon Voyage

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I've taken Kick, Punch and Crunch with me on the road and except for the stability ball work at the end, it works very well in a cramped hotel room. For the "crunch" part of the workout, I just do my own version of the ab work. I find this to be the best of Body Blast in terms of portability.

You could also do the "jump" part of Step, Jump and Pump very easily on the road--use the workout blender to do that section twice if you need a longer cardio routine.

I have also taken the Intensity series and done the intervals and/or intensity premix sections of Imax2 (without step of course) and Boot Camp.

I usually stick to cardio and yoga while traveling. The latter forces me to do more flexibility and stress relief work that I tend to neglect at home OR I take Lotte Berk or Slim Series workouts that either require no weights (Lotte Berk or Firm It Up--great lower body workout) or those that only require resistance bands that are a breeze to pack (Mix It Up). Slim Series is also great because it is a space miser.

Lastly, I have been known to simply climb up and down the hotel steps--it's low fuss and no packing required.
I did this when we gone this last summer for 2 1/2 weeks. I did the cardio only from my bootcamp DVD. And on some days I did the ctx kickbox. Then I would use rubber tubing with handles and my stability ball for strength work. I cut some workouts using tubing out of some magazines. I did the abs core work off of the pyramids and the legs with the ball. Also I did the abs core off of bootcamp and ME and used a 2 liter bottle of pop in place of the medicine ball. Most of my workouts were around 30 minutes. I only had to do this a few times through the vacation. I came back and on day one jumped right into I Max and Slow and heavy with no problem.
Diane Sue
thank you everyone for the great ideas....i am printing off this thread and bringing it along on the road.

i also found out that i may have the opportunity to go x-c skiing at night after work on lit trails so i hope to take advantage of that.

my body blast dvd's are arriving tomorrow and i cannot wait to begin.
i'll have a full week in before the trip.

i really appreciate all of the input.

>What is "slim series"?

It's Debbie Siebers' followup series to Slim in Six as seen on the infomercials or at the web site. Her M.O. is light resistance and high reps.
I don't live in the US most of the time and anyway I never watch TV so I don't know anything about the informercials. Thanks for the website - will look for this.

Just one more thought if you don't want to take any weights with you - buy some after you get there and return them before you head home. Obviously just keep your receipt and you shouldn't have a problem at most retail stores.

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