Well, I must say that after going back to the dermatologist and talking to you guys about this, I have some renewed hope. Unfortunately for me, I can't bug my doctor on a regular basic, because I have to travel so far to see one.
Anyhow, the morning that I left, I think my breakouts were at the absolute worst they have ever been (about 3 days before my period). I had 5 new noes blowing up in front of my eyes all morning. The drive to Reno is about 5 hours, and by the time I arrived at the doctor's office, I had the worst pustules I've ever had. I intentionally didn't pop them (and trust me, they were ready) because I wanted him to pity me

But, I must say I was miserable for hours. They itched, and literally burned my skin (does anyone else experience that?) until I got rid of them. Anyway, the doctor did pity me, and actually cringed when he looked at my chin. Normally, this would make me feel bad, but this is exactly the reaction I was hoping for!! We talked for a long time, and he, too recommended oral antibiotics. To answer your question Naughtoj, I don't like the idea of taking oral antibiotics unless it's one of my last resorts. I kind of feel as though antibiotics are abused these days and they do hurt our bodies. We are so full of "good" bacteria, that I would rather keep them alive if I have a choice. I am more sensitive than many others also, because I suffer from a lot of yeast infections ;( .
We talked for a long time about my theory of it being hormonal, and it does also run in my family. My mother had the same thing, but not nearly as severe. And hers was definitely hormonal (after 40 years of tracking

). But, even when he totally agreed with me, he wouldn't totally go for the birth control idea. I had to push him a little for imformation, and he said if that's what I wanted to do, about 1/3 of women find that it helps them a whole bunch. He also prescribed Retin-A and Benza-Clin. It seems as though they are helping, but I'm also on my period right now, when my skin naturally clears up just a tad.
He also told me what you did, dimples, that I was most likely using cleansers that were too harsh. I think I have changed my routine since high school. I have been exfoliating often and using harsh cleansers, even regular Zest soap sometimes :\. He gave me cetaphyl, and I like it. Very very mild, but I dont' feel yucky still when I wash my face.
Oh, and I also heard from many others I have known over the years that Depo-provera does cause breakouts... a lot of problems, actually. You'd think it would work the same way as birth control.
And I thought for sure that dermatolgists were able to prescribe one kind of birth control, Ortho-triciclyn because it was FDA approved for acne treatment, but I guess I was wrong? He said he couldn't, so I had to go to a planned parenthood. The nurse there told me the same thing as kristi, that the only reason Ortho-triciclyn is endorsed as an acne treatment while other forms of birth control aren't is just plain advertisement and product-pushing. She said all birth controls will help if the problem is hormonal. So she gave me Nordette. Has anyone had experience with this?
I really really hope this works. I would love to at least be somewhat clear by the time I leave for Italy. I am very hopeful right now. I felt so much better at the end of the day than I did before. I was pretty depressed about it. So now I can focus on being depressed about my hip flexor injury

hahaahahaha! I haven't been able to work out for two weeks

(( But everything is slowly getting better.
Oh! and I ordered the Elicina. I totally forgot to ask the dr. if I could use it with the other topical stuff he gave me. Do you use anything else Carolyn? I would love to see if this helps with the scars and red marks left behind also.
Thanks so much guys!! I really appreciate all of your advice.
A more optimistic Sara