
It took me I think 2-3 months of taking birth control before I saw any improvement with my acne. Your body needs a couple of months to get used to the hormones, at least mine did.
Hi Sara. Sorry I'm so late getting back to you. I was breaking out all over my face, upper back and shoulders - but the worst of it was around my mouth/chin area. My dermatologist said that adult acne (break-outs) will very often occur in this area of the face, while adolescent acne is more in the T-zone and cheeks. I don't know about that, but she prescribed an oral antibiotic that started with a 'D' Doxycyclene(?). I can't remember exactly, so don't quote me on this. To determine that I had an infection, she did a skin test, where she lightly scraped my skin and looked at the skin cells under a microscope. Also, I had 'white heads' which my doctor told me is generally a sign of an infection.

When I wear my hair pulled back, my skin looks better than when I wear my hair down every day. I have curly hair, but I work so hard to make it straight when it's down, and I tend to use more hair products. Humectants work well in my hair, but have caused minor break outs.

Also, my skin is a little on the dry side, and I have to be careful not to 'overwash', which supposedly can actually make a skin problem worse if the'natural pH' in your skin is disturbed. Again, not exactly sure what this means, or how true it is, but I've heard this from a few different sources.

Vitamin B5 is pantothenic acid. You can get it from health food shops (eg Holland and Barrett in the UK). The dose used in acne and weight loss studies was 10 grams per day. Up to 20 grams per day has been found to be safe. The only known side effects are gastrointestinal discomfort with very high doses, and these can be helped by increasing the dose gradually. I started with 10 grams per day (as used in the studies) and never had any gastro problems (this coming from someone with irritable bowel syndrome!).

The only problem is, 10 grams (10,000 milligrams) is a lot of tablets. I take 500 milligram tablets, which on the high dose, is 20 tablets per day (spread over 3 or 4 doses). It is probably a lot more than people need. According to the acne forum I used to visit, people generally start high, then find a maintenance dose. I regularly take 4 grams per day now, which seems to keep my skin clear.

As I said, the studies were done by Dr Leung in China. If you search for "panthothenic acid" and "Leung" on the intenet, there is quite a bit of info out there.
I've found that each jar lasts at least a month, and (for me) that includes using it twice a day and also on the various cuts and scrapes I encounter - I tend to be accident prone, especially when it comes to shaving my legs! :) You don't need to over-apply it - just a thin layer will do. Hope this helps you decide!

Sarah :)
Question for Sharon!

How much B5 do you take? I too have VERY oily skin! Thanks!
Sorry Sharon!

Sorry, I didn't read all the posts before I posted my question to you! Oops! Have a good one!

Hormones are definitely a huge player in Acne problems. For me, they are the only player. I've suffered with Cystical acne since I was 10 years old(now 37 so obviously you don't outgrow it). Finding the best birth control pill can take years since you have to give each different pill 3 months to see how it works. My experience has been it's not what you do or don't eat, or how often you clean your face.
When I got pregnant my skin got CLEAR and STAYED clear the entire time I was pregnant and nursing. 3 months after I stopped nursing my acne returned. I got pregnant again - same thing. Clear, beautiful skin. A few months after I stopped nursing, the acne returned again. I couldn't take it. I went on Accutane. My acne got worse yet, for a few months. After that few months of the worst ever, my skin cleared up and has been clear ever since. That's been for 6 months now.
Hi everybody!!

Wow, thank you all so much for the input. I'm really glad that all of you were able to give me suggestions, as it gave me a few things to talk to the doctor about. I just came back from Reno about 20 minutes ago from my appointment, so I'm exhausted and at work, but I will be back later on to let you guys know what happened. Thanks again so much!

I started with adult acne in my early 20s...after having clear skin all through my teenage years, go figure!

I used Accutane before I was getting married because I was deathly afraid of having a "nervous" outbreak and had fantastic results. There are a lot of side effects, though, and you have to be sure that you are not considering having a baby any time in the near future as it can cause severe birth defects. I also had to go for monthly blood work (which I think is the normal course) to check my cholesterol levels as it can make that skyrocket! For me, though, I found that after about 2 years my oil production sort of returned to normal and I was back to having break outs. At that point I wasn't willing to go through a second round which was recommended.

After having both of my kids my skin was really the worst it had ever been. I found using Ortho Tri-cyclen really cleared that up, once I stopped nursing my first. I'm still nursing my second child and am using Pro-Activ only and have found that that really works great for me. I use the "regular" one in the morning but at night I use the deep cleanser and it's really helped!

Good luck! Adult acne is probably one of the most frustrating experiences!
Well, I must say that after going back to the dermatologist and talking to you guys about this, I have some renewed hope. Unfortunately for me, I can't bug my doctor on a regular basic, because I have to travel so far to see one.

Anyhow, the morning that I left, I think my breakouts were at the absolute worst they have ever been (about 3 days before my period). I had 5 new noes blowing up in front of my eyes all morning. The drive to Reno is about 5 hours, and by the time I arrived at the doctor's office, I had the worst pustules I've ever had. I intentionally didn't pop them (and trust me, they were ready) because I wanted him to pity me :) But, I must say I was miserable for hours. They itched, and literally burned my skin (does anyone else experience that?) until I got rid of them. Anyway, the doctor did pity me, and actually cringed when he looked at my chin. Normally, this would make me feel bad, but this is exactly the reaction I was hoping for!! We talked for a long time, and he, too recommended oral antibiotics. To answer your question Naughtoj, I don't like the idea of taking oral antibiotics unless it's one of my last resorts. I kind of feel as though antibiotics are abused these days and they do hurt our bodies. We are so full of "good" bacteria, that I would rather keep them alive if I have a choice. I am more sensitive than many others also, because I suffer from a lot of yeast infections ;( .

We talked for a long time about my theory of it being hormonal, and it does also run in my family. My mother had the same thing, but not nearly as severe. And hers was definitely hormonal (after 40 years of tracking :)). But, even when he totally agreed with me, he wouldn't totally go for the birth control idea. I had to push him a little for imformation, and he said if that's what I wanted to do, about 1/3 of women find that it helps them a whole bunch. He also prescribed Retin-A and Benza-Clin. It seems as though they are helping, but I'm also on my period right now, when my skin naturally clears up just a tad.

He also told me what you did, dimples, that I was most likely using cleansers that were too harsh. I think I have changed my routine since high school. I have been exfoliating often and using harsh cleansers, even regular Zest soap sometimes :\. He gave me cetaphyl, and I like it. Very very mild, but I dont' feel yucky still when I wash my face.

Oh, and I also heard from many others I have known over the years that Depo-provera does cause breakouts... a lot of problems, actually. You'd think it would work the same way as birth control.

And I thought for sure that dermatolgists were able to prescribe one kind of birth control, Ortho-triciclyn because it was FDA approved for acne treatment, but I guess I was wrong? He said he couldn't, so I had to go to a planned parenthood. The nurse there told me the same thing as kristi, that the only reason Ortho-triciclyn is endorsed as an acne treatment while other forms of birth control aren't is just plain advertisement and product-pushing. She said all birth controls will help if the problem is hormonal. So she gave me Nordette. Has anyone had experience with this?

I really really hope this works. I would love to at least be somewhat clear by the time I leave for Italy. I am very hopeful right now. I felt so much better at the end of the day than I did before. I was pretty depressed about it. So now I can focus on being depressed about my hip flexor injury :D hahaahahaha! I haven't been able to work out for two weeks :((( But everything is slowly getting better.

Oh! and I ordered the Elicina. I totally forgot to ask the dr. if I could use it with the other topical stuff he gave me. Do you use anything else Carolyn? I would love to see if this helps with the scars and red marks left behind also.

Thanks so much guys!! I really appreciate all of your advice.

A more optimistic Sara :)
Hi Sara!

I'm glad you're feeling more optimistic now! As far as using Elicina with other topical creams, I would check with Elicina first. I know when I first started using it, I asked them (via email) about using it with other creams,etc (at that time, I was using it with OXY-10% benzoyl peroxide). They got back to me very quickly, and I'm sure they would be able to answer your question about the Retin-A, etc.

As far as the birth control pill goes, a lot depends on the type, amount,and potency of progestin (androgenicity) in each kind of pill. Someone who already has a problem with acne might want to avoid pills that are high in androgenicity and low in estrogen content. To help combat acne, you'd probably want a pill whose makeup has a higher estrogen and lower androgen potency. For more info about this, a breakdown of available BCPs and their various potencies, and suggestions on certain pills for certain conditions, check out this site:

Based on the tables and info on this site and from doing a lot of research (I wanted to use the lowest dose of hormones possible), I asked my gyno about Mircette, and that's what I've been using ever since. I did switch for 2 months to Desogen (the same as Mircette except for a slightly increased estrogen level), but that tiny increase really caused me to feel noticeably bloated and puffy - so I'm back on the Mircette now and much happier! But again, every person's body reacts differently to any kind of treatment or medication, so a trial-and-error approach might yield the best results for you. I just wanted to let you know what worked for me.

Good luck and keep us posted on how it's going!
Sarah :)
Sara, this may seem bizarre, but I found this out on an acne forum: a lot of people with acne use Head and Shoulders shampoo as a face cleanser. I kid you not! I have used it and it is excellent. It is really mild - anything harsh makes acne worse. It is non-greasy and contains nothing to clog up the pores. It contains zinc, which people with acne tend to be low on. The menthol one is really refreshing. It is also cheap.

It may seem like the most bizarre thing ever, but I seriously recommend it. If you have been using cleansers that are too harsh, you will really notice a benefit.

Hi Sarah :))

Thanks for that site on the birth control. I checked it out right away and from what I understand, I *think* that Nordette is a good combination of hormones for acne. But, I'm not exactly sure if I understood what I read. I also went all over the internet looking for information about Nordette, but Ortho-tricyclen is the only one ever mentioned with acne :( Yet, I still remain optimistic :). The retin-A is killing my skin, though, so I can't wait to see if the pill and the Elicina work alone later. The Retin-A did dry up my chin very well though, even if it hurts a looks much much better. I think my friend is also on Mircette and really really likes it. She told me that it hasn't produced many side-effects and has helped her skin tremendously. If this doesn't work, I'm going to try that one I think. Did you initially gain weight when you started the pill? (Always an important question :))

Hi Sharon :)

I am going to try my Cetaphyl sample until it runs out then I'm going to try your idea. I use Head&Shoulders anyway, since I have psoriasis, and it's great for when I'm not having a "real" break-out. I think, actually, that it makes sense. Most people with dandruff or skin conditions need something that's not going to tear their scalp to shreds. I'll let you know how it works for me :)

I use the Cetaphil bar soap that is antibacterial. That was recommended by my dermatologist and I find that to be gentle as well.

My problem is I am not faithful with my skin regimen. If I am in the shower and can't find my soap I will use shampoo on my face, which I know is bad (unless, apparantly, it is H&S:) I am going to order the Elicina cream as well and maybe get some Salacylic Acid for my face for the evenings. I read that was good for cystic acne.

I also will not be getting off Depo. After a consult with my gyno, he did not think switching to The Pill would make anything better, and I really did not want a period, so I guess I will try to revamp the skin routine for now. Thanks for all the helpful advice everyone!!

No, I didn't gain any weight or feel bloated at all when I started using Mircette. The only time I gained any weight & felt bloated was when I used Desogen (also known as Ortho-Cept). That slight increase in estrogen really made a difference. And while it DID increase my breast size (a bonus!), I didn't like it increasing other areas of my body and switched back to Mircette (= no more bloating). I was never a big fan of hormonal birth control to begin with, and I like the fact that I'm using the least amount of hormones. And despite my earlier sentiments, I love taking Mircette. I've had extremely heavy periods my entire life, and I love the fact that I now know exactly when they're coming and that they're soooo light and short! Mircette is also a very good pill to use for reducing/eliminating spotting and break-through bleeding. I experienced one week of "barely there" spotting the 2nd or 3rd month I was on the Pill, but that was the only time it's ever happened. I think my body was just finishing its "getting used to" phase with Mircette. Good luck!

Sarah :)

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