

Hey everyone I need some advice, I have a pain in my achilles area, I know not everyone on here is a doctor but has anyone ever had this type of pain? If so what was wrong?
I had this problem about a year ago when I started to do more high impact and step workouts. I think what I had was Achilles tendonitis. I used ice in the area, took a little break from the high impact and step workouts, wore flatter shoes, did some stretches for the area, and it eventually went away. I did have my doctor take a look at the area to make sure it wasn't anything more than tendonitis though.

Hey allison,

sorry to hear about your foot. I am going through this right now. First advice is to see a foot doctor. I waited three months and that is what is slowing down my healing. He put me in a boot cast for 6 weeks and now I have been in physical therapy for 3 months. I do stretches and hopefully can work up to doing cathe again. It is something you have to have patience with and that's something I don't have but have learned to get. The doctor also gave me orthotics to wear which have made a world of difference.

Some advice-See a foot doctor,lay off cardio just do weights, and stretch with your legs out straight, take a towel under your foot and gently pull your foot towards you. this stretches out the calve which plays an important role in it.

I hope this helps, if you need to talk I am more than happy to chat. And help in any way I can.

No Cardio! the girls here try to drill it in my head! (better said than done!) Seriously try to see a doctor.

Thanks for all your advice! My step dad is a physical therapist maybe I'll start with him. In january I plan to start training for the 1/2 marathon in my area. I walked it the last two year but have set a goal to run it this year! Hope my body keeps up with my heart!

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