I have not ever done the Wedding tape, but both the new Lower Body Pyramid tape and Cathe's Pure Strength legs tape also include leg-floor work and I still do it, it is very effective.
I am finding right now that it is the floor work of Lower B P that is actually challenging me more. Last night when I did it, I could have stayed there pumping out squats all night long, but those side leg raises on the stability ball nearly killed me!!! I was swearing aloud trying to squeeze out those reps!
So, never underestimate the effectivenes of well-pitched floorwork!
I think there will remain always a place for both in your strength training program, because while standing squats, lunges, and step ups target the larger of the leg's muscle groups and the glutes, floor work allows you to target different aspects of the lower body muscles, to do some real fine tuning.
Just when you progress to doing squats with a 45 pound barbell sans probleme, some humbling 'simple' side leg raises with a stability ball will throw you a new learning curve and challenge!