

this question has probably been asked before. how can i get my abs to look like cathe's? i have been working out for a long time and still not even close. is it mostly core work that does the trick?
I would love to know the answer to that too!


We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.
I was thinking about just getting a tummy tuck and maintaining. My stomach is gross because of excess weight gained while pregnant.


When you find out let me know please :)
DIET DIET DIET!!! As clean as you can possibly get!! I also feel that pilates & lots of cardio help a lot too. My abs look really great when I eat super clean and do my pilates/cardio consistantly. The problem is that I am consistant with the eating part 50% of the timex(. It is hard , so I have joined the Summer Fitness Challenge in the Open Discussion Forum. Come join us!!

I second that Aila! Everyone has ab muscles--the way to actually see them is to lose the body fat, and the most effective way to do that is diet.

I've posted this many times in the past, but it never hurts to reinforce--abs should be trained like any other muscle. This means you don't have to do 400 crunches 5 days a week. You should train your abs once or twice a week, and do it with weights. Also, you really only need 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps. The old "if you build your abs you get larger" line is a myth. You have to build the muscle to get that six pack.

You sit facing the dinner table. You brace one hand on either side of your plate. Then you push yourself back, stand up, and walk away.

Seriously, I've got to agree. It's diet, diet, diet.
train your abs with weights? give me an example. i am also curious what your diet is like. i am not as fit as i was in june of 2004 because of a weird knee injury so i had to hold off on cardio some. my clothes still fit but my abs don't look as good.
Ah another Laura. :) Hi!

OK well I work out at a gym, so I do 4 sets 15 crunches with a 45 lb plate on my head, and 4 sets 15 cable crunches @ 100 lbs. Probably you could sub the plate w/a dumbell if that's what you have at home. Also you could hold the weight on your chest, or you could hold it straight out in front w/your arms extended. If you do ab exercises that involve moving your legs--i.e. leg lifts--you could place a weight between your knees or feet. It's the type of thing where you can be creative, but be careful w/your form b/c it can cause stress on your lower back.

I'll check my Arnold dictionary when I get home tonight for other weighted exercises.

As far as my diet goes, I do Atkins. Many people aren't crazy about it, but it's worked for me. I lost 30 lbs more than 2 years ago & have kept it off, & my cholestoral is A-OK. I personally find Atkins very easy b/c you never go hungry. But you have to find what works for you--you have to find a diet that fits your lifestyle & that doesn't make you miserable. :p
i will have to try those excersizes at home using a dumbell. i would love to join a gym but i cannot afford it. target(where i work) has atkins so i'll check it out. thanks for your help!


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