

Active Member
I have been doing ab work and weight training for almost a year. I am not seeing the results that I would like. I have a few questions.
How many times per week should I do ab work?
Is it ok to do all arms and back on the same day?
Is it ok to do all leg work on the same day?
How much time should be spent on each muscle? I usually do as much weight as I can do for 3 sets 8 reps. Would it be better to do certain arms and certain legs on the same day? I usually on get to work out 4 or 5 days a week. Is it possible to be in really good shape if I only work out 4 or 5 times a week? Thanks.
Hi RBurke!

First, it is possible to get in great shape with 4-5 WO a week. Second, do you have MIS? The reason I'm asking this is because it's a total body WO, so yes you can work chest, back legs, whateverin the same day,just not 2 days in a row. How about the PS Series? Cathe splits up the body parts into 3 tapes, I hear it's great although I don't have it,YET!
Third, how much weight are you lifting? Maybe the weight isn't heavy enough to stimulate muscle growth. Your weight should be heavy enough to where you can only do those 8reps you mentioned(actually 7&8 should be a struggle) if your lifting with no problem, then either up the weight or up the reps or both. Whew, I'm winded
sorry, didn't mean to type so long! Anyway, I'm sure Cathe will help you better than I can. I'm just putting in my $.02!

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