Abs with weights


I gotta tell you guys that my abs are killing me today. Yesterday morning I did the Supsersets abs on the ball with weight with a 20 lb dumbell. It was pretty heavy but I could control it okay. Well, today, I really feel like it made a difference. I know only time will tell. Just had to share.

Maximus, I know 20 lbs doesn't seem like much to you but now I can see why your abs are so toned.:eek:
Could using this heavy of a weight make one's abs appear larger if one...ahem...needs to lose a few pounds(speaking of myself here)? I have always tried not to use above an 8 pounder b/c a trainer in a gym once told me I would make my obliques/abs bulge if I used a heavy weight. This was many years ago but I would hate to make my abs bulge through hard work and exercise when all I have to do is eat M&M's instead. Is this true or another myth much the same as people who say one should not lift heavy weights until the fat has been burned off? Thanks for any thoughts!
I usually use 25 lbs for most of my ab training unless I am using the cable on my bowflex. Seated on that I use 100 pounds of power rods or kneeling on the bench with the lat tower I do 160lbs.. Which I know is probably much less than it says. I avoid heavy weight for the obliques. I worry about looking to blocky. Usually for obliques I use 8-10 lbs. and not every workout.
Diane Sue
I ususally use 8-10 pounds, but sometimes I have felt like I could go higher. SS is one of my favorites; the ball seems to add a real difference to the workouts.
I've read the warnings here about heavy weights and obliques so I wouldn't do that, but, I didn't think it would hurt for other ab exercises.

I did this again this morning and I can already see more definition peeking out. Actually, I am an hourglass so my core is not an area I worry about but I intend to watch what happens very closely as to not add bulk.

Thanks W.D. for outlining your ab routine with weights.
LOL! You'll be at 45 lbs in no time. Don't you just love that sore feeling?

Using weights for your ab workouts won't make your stomach look bigger. Weight training for ab muscles is the same as for any other muscle--it'll tighten & tone but really won't increase size. This class I took about some time go basically taught me that the most effective way to get a six pack is to train with weights. The instructor said that weight training making abs bigger was a myth. She also said doing 2-300 crunches every day was completely unnecessary. Basic thesis was the abs should be trained like any other muscle--with weights, 1-2 times a week, 3-4 sets of 10-15.
Hi all=

I have seen some great results incorporating 8-10 lb weights into my ab workout!

For those of you who are lifting heavier than that, what type of weight do you use? A plate or a dumbbell or something else? If I go any heavier than a 10 lb plate w/ crunches or oblique work, I have a hard time holding it behind my head.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

Take care, Lynn M.
Hi all,

I don't have any of Cathe's videos, just what I've been able to tape off Fit TV (though the new series is on my list). Could someone describe some of the ab exercises you are doing with the weights? I have a pretty complete gym at home with all weights of dumbells/plates, just need some innovative new exercises as what I've done for a long time hasn't achieved much in the way of results nor do I feel that great "stiffness" the next day. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Really have to chip in here. For years i was doing so many crunches, and yes my stomach was flat, but not what i wanted. I was told never do abs with weights, and more importantly NEVER DO SIDE BENDS WITH WEIGHTS, IT WILL BUILD MUSCULAR LOVE HANDLES. So i never did. What i mistake. Now i have those sexy obliques that cut into the groin area. And that was built from side bends with weights. Before i never had them. I now use weights about 4 times per week, and the other three do other intense ab training. Adding weight for ab workouts (woodchops, etc...) was one of the best things i ever done. And just too add, i read that it takes over 100lbs of lifted weight to add an extra inch to your waist line. Now, i wouldn't mind an extra inch if it was pure muscle, but i ain't ever gonna be able to lift 100lbs on any ab exercise.
I do it at the gym--two very basic exercises. I do 4 sets 15 crunches while holding a 45 lb plate on my head (this takes a little practice--I have a towel betw. the plate & my head, the plate is more toward my forehead rather than my crown, & I have to focus on isolating the abs & not pulling w/my hands), and 4 sets 15 cable crunches at about 100 lbs. The results have really been amazing.
>I do it at the gym--two very basic exercises. I do 4 sets 15
>crunches while holding a 45 lb plate on my head (this takes a
>little practice--I have a towel betw. the plate & my head, the
>plate is more toward my forehead rather than my crown, & I
>have to focus on isolating the abs & not pulling w/my hands),
>and 4 sets 15 cable crunches at about 100 lbs. The results
>have really been amazing.

Wow! Thanks Maximus...

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