Abs and Nausea


Hi Cathe,

I wonder if this happens to you or other people. Once in a while while doing abs, I get this feeling of nausea and I have to quit. In the past, I've always ended soon enough where the nauseaus feeling goes away within a few minutes.

Today I actually got sick. I had almost completed the routine when a wave of nausea hit me from out of the blue and I immediately stopped, but it was too late.

I don't mean this to gross anyone out, I am really wondering if something's wrong with me or have other people experienced this?

It doesn't happen often though and I never have eaten anything more or less than I usually do before I work out.

Have you ever heard of this happening?

Thanks Cathe :)

Melanie :-tired :-hmmm
hi - I'm not sure if this is quite the same thing, but if I do pilates type ab work, I get a sort of dizzy/nauseated feeling...in fact because of this I avoid those types of workouts. never as bad as what you described though, yikes!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-02 AT 03:29PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-02 AT 03:28 PM (Est)[/font]

I get nauseated when I drop to the floor too soon without letting my heart rate come down. I wonder if it's a blood-pressure thing? Maybe you should warm-up before abs, if you are not, and if it is post-cardio, try cooling down a little longer? Just a thought.

PS. gross central, there are lots of power lifters at my gym, and my DH moonlights as a PT. Those power lifters consider it a badge of honor to work out so hard they vomit. I figure it can't be healthy to be that psycho! :)

PPS. You got me thinking so I did a google search on the phrase "exercise induced nausea" and learned a lot. Try it! A couple of things noted as potential causes are (1) inability to disburse lactic acid,(2) heart problems, (3) too much sugar before working out, and the obvious (4) full stomach. I am going to ask my internist when I see him next week. I'll update you on his thoughts. :)
RE: nausea


Thanks for responding.

I actually was doing the abs on the CTX All Step when it happened. I had finished the cardio portion and was doing the abs. I've done it before and no problem. But that day, ooops. :-tired

Cathe--I hope you don't mind me saying that, It's not YOU!! I hope that's not what it sounds like. Like I said, it doesn't happen too often. I've been doing your workouts ever since Step Jam came out in '95 or '96 and LOVE LOVE LOVE them. It's something with me and I was just wondering if anyone's ever had that happen to them.

I've always had kind of low blood pressure so maybe that's it and maybe I need to cool down a little bit longer. I feel cooled down enough though when I start the abs, but maybe I'm not.

Kristen--I'll definitely look up "excercise induced nausea" on Google because I'm very interested since it's happened to me.

By the way, those power lifters--no thanks. I don't enjoy being sick thanks. :)

Thanks again!!

Melanie :)
RE: nausea

Just wanted to let you know I finally remembered to ask my internest about this. He told me the number one most common cause of exercise-induced nausea is hypoglycemia. He noted that if it is a new occurance, pay attention to the sugar content in what you ate that day.

RE: nausea

Not a doctor or Cathe but I thought my experience might help.

Until I saw this response I was thinking of asking how long do you exercise after eating and what do you eat.

I notice that if I exercise early in the morning and I just drink water I get nauseous. What I do to allievate this is to have a glucous (sorry for the spelling) whilst exercising this does help to keep my hydrated whilst working out and gets rid of the nausea. When I exercise at night I stop eating an 1 hour and a half before exercising half an hour before exercising I have tea with sugar.

I would suggest you try experimenting and see what helps try drinking a protein drink before exercising if the problem persist it might be worth seeing a doctor.


I don't know if it is the same, but I have noticed that when I get to the ab section at the end of the work out, my throat feels dry and I feel nauseous. I have to stop and drink some water. I don't know if it's the abs work out that causes this or the fact that it's the end of a work out and I have not drunk enough water.

My advice is to drink before doing this final work out and see if it makes a difference.
Also if I might add from personal experience, try mixing some 100% fruit juice into the water to spike your blood sugar a bit as well as hydrating you. That helps me get over the nausea and finish my workout. Sometimes sitting down and drinking the water/juice helps me. Ok so my heart rate goes down but at least I can finish!

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