About those "cheat" days........


Alot of information I read states that if you work out REALLY hard for six days a week and eat CLEAN , then on the seventh day you can have a "cheat" day and eat what ever you like and how much you like!

This is ment to stop you cheating during the six days because you have something to look forward to.

Does anyone here use this method?
RE: About those

I just had to reply--for what it's worth. I know many people who do this and it works great for them. It's definitely worth trying. If it works for you, then it sounds like a good way to go.

I tried it and gained weight like crazy. I have a horrible reaction to sugar and refined foods. I get cravings like crazy, feel awful, and gain 5 pounds (overnight) each time I indulge. Most of the extra weight came off during the week following the "cheat" day, but not enough to keep it from creeping up. I gained 15lbs this way. I got it off, but decided that this method wasn't for me.

I've been trying calorie staggering for the past 6 weeks. I've lost 15 lbs and broken through the point that I could NEVER get below. But the best thing is that the weight is coming off in the right places--unlike whenever I've tried restricting calories before.

I have one day that is an overfeed day, and I use it to stock up on nutrition-dense food that I love--such as nuts, whole grains, natural peanut butter, soy and dairy products, fruits, etc. I also enjoy a cup of ice cream made with Splenda (I've found that splenda doesn't give me the headaches, cravings, and yucky feelings that sugar or other artificial sweeteners do). I've found that sticking with 'clean' foods and having a calorie cap on my 'pseudo' free day that I've done really well. I think it is very beneficial to have something to look forward to each week. It makes the low calorie days worth it.

It's been fun treating the calorie thing like a bank account. Some days I really have to save, but then I get a day to splurge. I only wish that my real bank account could replenish itself like the calorie one--I'd really be in "CatheOrderingInsanity" heaven!

Hope this helps,

Carol F
RE: About those

I have cheat days, but I didn't start them until I reached my weight loss goal. Now I have about 1-2 per month because, like you said, I needed something to look forward to.
RE: About those

I know there are other people on here who do the cheat day. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say as I have been trying to figure out how to do it myself.

The things you mentioned made a lot of sense Carol. Thanks for the info!

RE: About those

I've been trying to find this balance, too. What I've started (so it's too soon to say if it will work), is to plan a dessert for Sunday, but to make it at noon, and eat it as an afternoon snack. If I plan a dessert for after dinnertime, I go nuts all day trying to eat less, so I can indulge in the evening. Plus, it means that probably half of my calories for the day are consumed in one sitting (supper time), which comes at the end of a very long day. So, I have the treat mid-afternoon, instead of the usual snack I would have, and then I'm not really adding many calories to my day, but still getting something that feels special. And I don't have to starve myself all day to get it.

RE: About those

I don't do "cheat" days. I do cheat meals. I allow myself to eat out or do take out every Friday night for dinner. It doesn't affect my weight and it keeps me satisfied. Last month I ate out quite a bit and have a few pounds because of it. I know that if I had a full cheat day, I would be able to consume enough calories to put on a pound very easily. I look forward to Friday nights and never feel guilty!! I do go to the movies almost every week and always get movie popcorn too. I try to eat clean 90% of the time and do workout 6 days a week. This method works for me though. Everyone is different!!

RE: About those

Could you give me an idea of what a week would look like when staggering your cals?
RE: About those

i have cheat meals.. but like maximus.. didn't start them til i reached my goal.... i was VERY strict until i was at my goal...

i would never have a full day of cheating! i do, however, have meal... i have 2 favorite eat out places and after a nice long, calorie-burning bike ride.. i'll reward myself.. or if a movie is out i want to see.. i'll have some unhealthy, greasy, but yummy popcorn!
RE: About those

Yeah, I'd like to know too (and your workout schedule). I've seen the staggering thing before, but with a lot of variability in the calories recommended (like a maximum day of 1800 or 3000 - big difference!
RE: About those

I think it's a good idea to have a day where you allow yourself something that you love, but shouldn't eat all the time. It keeps you from giving up. Just don't go overboard. Don't eat a whole dozen chocolate chip cookies for desert after having lasagna and garlic bread for dinner.

I usually try to stay on track for most of the month, allowing myself ONE trip to McDonald's or Wendy's where I don't get the grilled chicken salad. I absolutely LOVE cheeseburgers!!!! And one of my favorite things is a Wendy's cheeseburger and fries. I haven't actually had one since Labor Day though.:( I wasted my monthly meal at McDonald's this month because my daughter was with me. AND the little stinker ate the last 2 bites of my cheeseburger! (Isn't that kind of sad that cheeseburgers are one of my favorite foods? Just call me Wimpy).

Another little treat that I allow myself are these wonderful new 100 Calorie packets that Nabisco makes. They aren't exactly what one would call "health food", but they're Oreo crisps and packaged in 100 calorie pouches. There's none of the cream in them, so the fat content is pretty low. I take them with me in my lunch everyday and have them after my salad and entree (hummus wrap, half a soynut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat...whatever). They are PERFECT for satisfying that sweet tooth. And if you let them dissolve in your mouth instead of chewing them...they last a long time. It's always a huge bummer when you finish the last one. (OK Nabisco, I want my royalty check!)
RE: About those

Another cheater here!!! I work out 6-7 days a week (the seventh is usually a stretch day w/yoga or pilates) and I try to eat really well during the week. that way, I don't feel guilty when dh and I go to our favorite little mexican restaurant about once every 1-2 weeks. I let myself drink margaritas and eat some yummy shrimp dish. I still don't go all-out crazy though. I try to stay away from the chips :)( ), salsa instead of cheese dip, no salt on the margarita rim to avoid the extra bloating from the added sodium, and I always get a pretty healthy dish and don't eat the tortillas b/c they are usually made with lard or shortening. Sometimes, I even sneak in my own whole wheat tortilla or fat-free salad dressing in my purse!!!!;) Isn't that horrible????? But hey, you've gotta do what you've gotta do. My whole point here is that I let myself have my favorite stuff as a reward for doing well, but I still try not to go totally crazy and it doesn't affect my weight. Hope this helps!!:9
RE: About those


These are the links I picked up on this Forum:

This one is courtesy of 'mogambo' and it's the one I am currently using. "http://allyourstrength.com/nutrition_1202_cs.html"

The second one was from the same thread and is courtesy of Sherry (dixiedog6). "http://strengthnspeed.tripod.com/Nutrition/ZigZag.Cal.htm"

The thread I got them from was "Calorie Intake and the Zig Zag Method" on the Open Discussion Forum. You might want to do a search. There are some great ideas out there.

The ZigZag site has a calculator to figure out your calories and is a more even approach. The All Your Strength one gives some formula guidelines and an example to follow. I patterned my intake after his example--except my calories were lower. This approach varies more, but I love having that high calorie day.

I was 150lbs when I started, so here's my calorie week:

Monday = 700
Tuesday = 1,000
Wednesday = 2,000
Thursday = 700
Friday = 1,000
Saturday = 500
Sunday = 3,000

I have my "cheat" day on my rest day, because I get hungriest when I don't exercise. I like to do my hardest workout (weights and cardio--like Body Max) on Monday--after my calorie/rest day (I have the most energy then). I do interval training on Tuesday and Saturday (Imax2 and Intense Moves--they're all I have so far). Wednesday is kickbox day. Thursday is all cardio, and Friday is weights. For me, it works best to do all cardio on my lower calorie days--I get less hungry that way. Most people would do their hardest workouts on their higher calorie days, but I like to do them the day after.

You could adjust however you want. I imagine you weigh less than I did, so your calories would be lower--maybe too low for this approach.

Sorry to be so long--hope this helps. I'm certainly not an expert, and all this came from other Forum member's suggestions.

Thanks you guys!

Carol F
RE: About those

It only works for me to maintain, not loose. However, you still need to keep it within reason. I can have something extra on that day but not eat ice cream non stop for a whole day - which believe me I could do : )
RE: About those

You really GAIN after just one day of splurging? How much "splurging" is involved? Maybe I gain and just don't know it because I don't own a scale.

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