About that 20% off coupon . . .


Okay, so we'll already be cutting the food budget this month due to my preorder (good thing I stocked up at a cast lot sale in March). But this 20% off code is just too good to waste.

I don't have STS (sigh), so I want more strength training. The ones I don't have are Pure Strength and Supersets/Push-Pull. I never ordered Supersets/Push-Pull because many thought they were too easy. But would they be good with heavier weights--or is the rep speed too fast? If you could choose between the two series, which would it be?

Should I? Or should I be checking out Cathe gear?

Whatcha think fellow enablers?

I really enjoy the Slow and Heavy series for good weight workout. It is a slow count workout with a bit longer of a rest between sets. It reminds me of STS without doing your 1RM test. You should check this series out.

I do have Slow & Heavy. I absolutely love it. I was wondering if Pure Strength is as good--I know it wouldn't have that slow of a count with the rests between sets. But are PS or Supersets/PushPull good for building strength?

And no, we won't be starving this month. (wink)

I have both, and if I could only keep one it would be Supersets/Push-Pull. It has more flexibility in it, overall. You can vary your weight, they're both total body workouts, which Pure Strength is not (it's sections, like S&H). The biggest bonus is that Supersets/Push-Pull has a ton of premixes. And some of them are really challenging. Plus, they allow you to break up body parts and really fry them. Just more for the money overall with that one. That would be my choice.
I have both, and if I could only keep one it would be Supersets/Push-Pull. It has more flexibility in it, overall. You can vary your weight, they're both total body workouts, which Pure Strength is not (it's sections, like S&H). The biggest bonus is that Supersets/Push-Pull has a ton of premixes. And some of them are really challenging. Plus, they allow you to break up body parts and really fry them. Just more for the money overall with that one. That would be my choice.

Thank you! That helps me so much.

I have both too... and if I could keep only one it would definitely be PS! It's one of my all time favorites. If you like S&H, my guess is that you'll like PS too. It's the same format -- a three-day split, with two days upper body and one day lower. The workouts are shorter and there are more reps (10 vs 8) and the speed is a little faster.

For some reason, I almost never use SS/Push-Pull. Maybe it's because they are total body workouts and I prefer splits. Or maybe it's because I don't feel as worked out after I've done them. Whatever the reason, I don't go back to them that often.

That said, you can't go wrong with either. More Cathe is always a good thing! :D

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