? about step height


My husband made me a full size step and I told him to make it 8 inches tall because that was what my FIRM short box is. It is not adjustable and I found it difficult to finish even your Wedding video on an 8 inch step. I stopped using my arms and found it to be much easier. I could complete the tape without feeling like I was overdoing it.

Would it be better to have him cut off two inches so I can complete the workout as is or is it okay to keep it at 8 inches and gradually add arms in as I improve?

If he cuts the two inches off it will be permanent and I really like the 8 inch height for doing weight lifting on the step.

Any thoughts would be appreciated from Cathe or others. Thanks!
If you cannot buy an adjustable step, then I would recommend that you cut off two inches from your step. When I first started stepping, my husband used CollageVideo directions and made a 10 inch step for me, plus a little riser that slotted into the bottom for 14 inch step ups in Firm videos. This was okay for Firm videos, because the stepping was not very complicated and very intermittent, but when I tried to use this 10 incher for full step videos, I was pretty much panting through the whole tape. I finally bought an adjustable step, and moved down to 8 inches, and then when I bought Cathe's tapes, I just couldn't do her routines that well until I went down to 6 inches, which is where I do all of her tapes now. I felt like I was cheating, but now Cathe has moved down to 6 inches too, so I feel honest again. I often do other tapes at 8 inches, though, because they just aren't as strenuous as Cathe's.
6" for most of Cathe's; 8" for some others like Charlene Prickett, Reebok, Firm, Kelly Roberts, Kathy Smith--(although I have only one Kathy Smith left in over 100 tapes.) }> Murph

If you cut the two inches off, you could always convince your husband to make another, at 8 inches for you to use on high energy days and to grow into as your abilities with Cathe step videos improves. My step is second hand and was nailed together for stability by its previous owner, so i have never had the option of less than 8 inches. But it's OK, you make other modifications --like you have been doing with the arms-- and then as you get stronger you can complete the entire workout on 8 inches.

What is your body build and height? Mercedes and Rhonda are two very different body types working out with Cathe. Rhonda needs the 8 inches because of her height. Maybe this could also help guide you? I wouldn't automatically cut the two inches off: what will you grow into as your fitness levels improve?

Good luck

I am 5 ft 5 inches. I'm not sure what kind of build I have. I weigh 126 and am a size 6. I am not advanced at all with cardio. I know that I have a long way to go. I enjoy weight training so I tend to favor that over cardio.

For example if you know FIRM videos I can make it through Fat Blaster and TAM with out modifications but I have to modify Super Cardio and the Core Cardios. I'd say I am a mid to high beginner.

Based on my height I probably wouldn't need 8 inches but I think Cathe is the same height if not a little shorter than me so I still don't know what to do! :)

I want to be able to do her videos with an 8 inch step. I am just wondering if I am doing it right by adding arms when I feel I can.
A vote for shorter!!

I leave my step at 4". I'm 5'2", with a small frame. I like my step shorter because I feel more secure with trickier moves - like riccochets and over and backs.

Eventually I'll move it up to 6", but I find that with 4" I can get a great workout by putting in more power without hurting my knees. I'm just "springier" on the 4".

My cardio fitness level - I'd say high intermediate, maybe low advanced in Cathe world, advanced for every other instructor! ;-)
Really?! I didn't know you could still get to be advanced on a 6 inch step. I guess I had it in my head that you had to have an 8-10 inch step to be considered advanced.

I probably would feel more comfortable with the moves on a shorter step.

I will see if Cathe has anything to add but if not I probably will go down to 6 inches.

Thank you for giving me permission to lower my step and the reassurance that I can become advanced on a 6 inch!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-02 AT 07:25PM (Est)[/font][p]I just started doing Cathe's Wedding tape and invested in the Reebok Step System and it starts at 6". (I was using my old Bollinger small step at 4".) Who would have thought that 2" could make such a difference! LOL Zeesh! I could hardly make it through the tape this morning. But I've also been recuprating from a sinus infection and haven't touched that tape in a week. Maybe that makes a difference too.

Anyway...I HIGHLY doubt I will ever raise my step above the 6".

I also did the Step Reebok tape that came with the Step and noticed some of those folks had their steps at 10 inches! Yikes!!

Just my two cents! I am an advanced exerciser and just went to my step with one riser...not sure on the inches there, 6 I think. My workouts are much more smooth, not so jarring to me on some of the more intense moves. I could always handle the boost in heartrate that the higher step gave me, but the ability to handle the moves with proper form is far better for me with a shorter step. My heartrate is as strong as ever but I am more comfortable. I am 5'5" and have been working out forever. Step height is a preference and nothing that I am working to increase although I put another riser on occasionally just for variety.
Maybe it could be that I am in my mid 30's now but with a 6 incher, it is still tough.
Well, maybe I'm not as advanced as I *think* I am! :) However, I do step with a LOT of intensity - I get lots of air on power moves. I have to climb flights and flights of stairs every day commuting to and at grad school, and I never get winded.

As everyone else has said though, give yourself permission to exercise in a way that is comfortable, yet challenging, to you.

No one's criticizing you - that's the beauty of being at home!! If they do, make them do power scissors over and over!! Heehee.


go to 6 inches because you don't need anyone's permission to do what you now seem to sense is right for you. 10 inches on Reebok?!?!?!?

have fun!


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