? about Sept. & Oct. 05 rotations


Hi all,
I have a question about the 9/05 butt and guts rotation and the 10/05 upper body bliss. In the sept. rotation you only work out your arms once a week and I am concerned about losing any strenth & or definition I have. Then in Oct. you're only working your legs once a week. Again I have the same concerns.

Also, in the butt and guts rotation I am assuming I use really light weights yet in upper body bliss I think I use heavy weights. Is this correct?
I was thinking of doing these rotations in May (butts and guts) and June (upper body).
Has anyone had good results with these rotations?

P.S. Just how light is light for the leg work? esp. when you're doing weight work 2 days in a row.
Deanie... I did both rotations and got very good results from both. Yes, you do feel like you are neglecting UB in Sept and LB in Oct but I just did it as written and added some UB and LB at times when I could. Going light on weights for the lower body will help if you tend to bulk. Carole can help you more on weight choices with free style which is what you would want if you bulk in your LB. I tend to use 25, 30, 35# for lower body. My legs and glutes definitely responded to the Butts and Guts rotation. I slimmed down quite well on that rotation. Hmmm... I may need to pick that one up again soon!
Thanks Jane,
I was begining to despair of anyone answering and was unsure about which rotation to do in May. I think I will go with Butts and Guts- I usually use 30,or 35# for lower body so I'm thinking of going to 20,25# for this rotation. I like your idea of adding UB or LB when I can, Im going to try that. I tend to be a bit anal about rotations and follow them to the tee!- Not always a good thing:)
I've been doing muscle endurance rotations so this will be a fun change!

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