? about rating High Step workouts?

Hi. I'm new both here and to Cathe in general (though not to exercising). I'm purchasing her Basic Step & Body Fusion dvd but am also interested in her High Step sets. I understand that the High Step Circuit is for beginner-intermediates (me, in other words!), but I think I'll advance quickly and am not sure how to rate the High Step Challenge and High Step Advanced workouts? I was at Collage Video, and they rate Challenge the same as Circuit and I know that just ain't so, lol. Watching the clips didn't really clear up this matter for me. Any comments would be appreciated. TIA!
I doubt that the High Step Circuit is as challenging as the Advanced and the Challenge DVDs.

The difficulty of the High Step Advanced and Challenge, and they are both advanced DVDs, lies in the speed with which Cathe advances from activity to activity. Sure, some of the moves are complex also, but substitutions can alwaysbe found as you progress. So, all you have to do, if you want to start off purchasing the Challenge DVD, is take that into account and take breaks where you need them. Also, as a beginner/intermediate, you won't need weights as heavy as the ones Cathe uses and that's OK too. Just use the weight that is effective for you and that you can handle to complete all the reps but be fatigued by the end of the set.

On the other hand, there is something psychologically beneficial about having a workout that is suited to your level now, i.e. that is doable, plus represents a challenge of "factor + 1." That means, it should represent a chllenge to you, not be a total walkover, but not be so overwhelming that you are pooped out in the fitst 5 mins, cannot go on any longer and become demoralized by the prospect of finishing or ever attempting it again.

So, is there anything so wrong with starting out with the High Step Circuit and progressing up when you are ready? A lot of us keep some easier DVDs on hand to use for those times when we have been forced to take a break from exercise and are gradually easing ourselves back into things again. So, it wouldn't be wasted money.

I think High Step Training Advanced is more intense than High Step Challenge. All those step ups (which I love, but if you don't like them, you won't like this workout) and better cardio. High Step Challenge is more challenging than High Step Circuit, I think HS Circuit is straight intermediate and High Step Challenge is int/adv. However, I do agree that if you stick with Cathe's pace, Challenge gets close to advanced. I try to have all my weights in the right place so I can do this as Cathe planned it, and this keeps the heart rate up. My favorite of the three is HSTA -- a lot of people don't like the music (and I do think it's better on Challenge), but I consider HSTA to be one of Cathe's best. But, you do have to add abs, there is no specific core on HSTA -- although some of leg exercizes do work the core as well. I think not having abs on the workout is a flaw, but I add the abs section from High Step Challenge or Muscle Max. Okay, that's my fifty-cents worth!
Thanks for the replies. I do already have the High Step (I use it instead of The Firm's Fanny Lifter) and I have no problem buying the easier Circuit DVD. In fact, I already have! :)

I really just wanted to know which was the most difficult: the High Step Advanced or Challenge, so thanks very much for answering that!

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