? about Ebay


To those of you who have sold things on Ebay, did you have to put your bank acct. info in for selling? I am uneasy about that..... thanks Rhonda
I just started selling and yes it asked for an account number and I was scared to do it but now I am addicted to selling on e-bay
Hi Rhonda,

I never had any security issues. I originally gave them my regular checking account info. for registration. I then opened another checking account for Ebay and updated my info. All of my paypal transfers and money orders get deposited into that account. I like to seperate Ebay transactions from my regular banking to avoid confusion. I have been buying and selling for over two years and never had any security issues with them...Good luck!!

I have a Q for those of you who are selling on Ebay. I have bought many things off of Ebay and far prefer to use a cc via PayPal. Now, is there an added charge to offer this service to buyers? I have been thinking of making the switch to seller as well but I'm wondering what to expect as far as additional fees that I will have to pay.

I accept all forms of paypal payments from the buyer. I do get charged for all transactions, but I like the buyer to have the option to pay with any CC or e-check, debit etc. I have the "premier" account which you have to have in order to accept the CC. Paypal charges 2.75% + .30 per transaction. I think these figures are right..LOL. You can always go check it out at paypal to be sure. Good Luck!!

Ok ladies, thanks, you can be looking for workout dvd's on ebay shortly, by the way, how many listings can you make?, I don't want to have to lump them all together, because I think they would sell better separate..... thanks Rhonda
I sold all of me Cathe videos seperately and did very well. I was able to make most of the money to purchase her 40 pack DVD bundle back in January.

I was just typing in the info at Ebay they said asked by what means I wanted to pay sellers fee to get started, how much is the sellers fee, could find that anywhere, I don't like surprises..... thanks Rhonda
I am trying to start selling these workout DVD's, but I can't make it past the part where you put in your credit card info, I sign in, I click sell, it tells me I need to update credit card info, then it tells me ok thats done, then I click on sell again, and it takes me back to the part where I have to put in credit card info again, this is getting frustrating x( ....... I want to kick Ebay in the shins.... any advice on what I am doing wrong? ... thanks Rhonda

I emailed them, but that can take up to 3 days it says......

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