I've been wanting to by barbells for years to really start getting into weight training. I think I've found a set that I can afford now. It's at Sears.com and a $24.99, 25# 31 inch. long Weilder barbell set. I'm wondering if some of you could go over there and take a look at it for me and see what you think. Do you think it would work? I'm a beginner so even though its not very heavy it will meet my needs for along time. Is that short bar going to be a drawback for it? Oh ya, the item number is 00615719000. Thought that would be the easiest way for you to find it. Just do a search. I think you in advance for any help you could give me. Sandhiker.
I've been wanting to by barbells for years to really start getting into weight training. I think I've found a set that I can afford now. It's at Sears.com and a $24.99, 25# 31 inch. long Weilder barbell set. I'm wondering if some of you could go over there and take a look at it for me and see what you think. Do you think it would work? I'm a beginner so even though its not very heavy it will meet my needs for along time. Is that short bar going to be a drawback for it? Oh ya, the item number is 00615719000. Thought that would be the easiest way for you to find it. Just do a search. I think you in advance for any help you could give me. Sandhiker.