? about buying barbells


New Member
I've been wanting to by barbells for years to really start getting into weight training. I think I've found a set that I can afford now. It's at Sears.com and a $24.99, 25# 31 inch. long Weilder barbell set. I'm wondering if some of you could go over there and take a look at it for me and see what you think. Do you think it would work? I'm a beginner so even though its not very heavy it will meet my needs for along time. Is that short bar going to be a drawback for it? Oh ya, the item number is 00615719000. Thought that would be the easiest way for you to find it. Just do a search. I think you in advance for any help you could give me. Sandhiker.
I checked out the barbell set online. They look great to me. I work with a short barbell and have not had any problems. The great things about barbells are you can always add more weight as you progress. Good luck Sandhiker.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-02 AT 03:14PM (Est)[/font][p]It depends what your goals are.. I'd suggest looking into another set.

I started with Cathe in the fall and was going to buy the Troy Lite set. My hubby jumped the gun and bought this set for Sears for me in Sept. His thinking was that I wouldn't be lifting more than 25 lbs any time soon. :-rollen

This is one time that I didn't appreciate his efforts to be helpful. The bar is too short for me and sort of awkward to hold. I replaced the sliplocks, bought a bar pad and ended up going to Walmart to buy 10 lb plates about a month later.

~~ Sharon ~~
Hi Sandhiker,

I just bought a 100# barbell set from Sears.com.:) I've been using the BodyPump 4ft bar with 40# of weight and I've found that I need more weight during heavy weight days...especially on the Pure Strenght Chest days. I don't feel anything with a 40# bar anymore. Plus this barbell set comes with 2 db bars which is great for me because the heaviest dbs I have are only 10# and that does nothing for me any more so I decided to go ahead and get this set because I can adjust the weight on the dbs and I won't have to keep buying set after set as I get stronger...not to mention its a pain in the rear to try and hold two weights in one hand which is what I have to do when I'm doing heavy db work. I hold a ten and a five in one hand...not pretty.:)

My personal opinion (take it or leave it as Cathe would say) is to shop around online or off for a set that is at least 100#. These sets usually include a 15# 5' barbell, about 70-80# worth of plates in 10#, 5# and 2.5# increments, and sometimes 2-dumbbell handles to build your own dumbbells, plus collars.
I shopped around more than a year ago for mine, which I found at Dunham's Sports, and my set was a 110# set for only $50. (was on sale), but the regular price was only $60. But there were many similar sets in similar price ranges.
I originally had a "bodyshaping" set which was 35# and I outgrew that set within 2 months. A complete waste of money! So if you're in this for the long haul, you might as well make a good investment in a set you can grow with. Just my opinion! :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!

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